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Edwards pov : a coma I said yes edward  what if she dont make it she will shes fighter and if
not will have to change her  no I will not damn her to a life. Of the night for thirst for human blood but I can't live without her either Carlisle nodded bella was asleep I hope she didint here or conversations edward lived or up the car is out back me and alice wont be coming with u we have to ask charlie some questions about who changed him . Dont kil him I need to talk to him Carlisle nodded alice came over I cant see her future whats I panicked I looked over to Carlisle who looked odly calm why are you so calm about this edward dont worry its only because shes going into a coma I calmed I kissed bella on the head  then I ifted her up walked to the car in human speed its so anouyin that I have to walk in human speed but  its for bella I putted her in the back seat of the car and I ran to the front I got in and I said to bella I love you and that I promise I wont leave anuthing happen to you again ino she properly cant hear me so ill haved totell when ever time she wakes up I got to the hospital and when I when in the women behind the desk ran frantically around the place liooking for omg the women think whers Dr.finberg were that must be the head doctor she went into a room and came out with a doctor in a white coat o my he said when he saw bella what happened he said she fell down 2 flights of stairs and out true a window does she have any parents ye her dad is in spain and her mother died in a car accident please help her she means everything to me I will sir whats her name Isabella swan I said ori he got out of my hands and said call your dad I did hes on his his way

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