Noragami: Yukine x Child!Bullied!Orphan!Half-Phantom!Reader (She Will Be Loved)

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(Mkay so you dear reader is about 6-7 years old in this story alright? Okay then! Have fun reading!!)

Yukine's POV:

There's this girl that I can't get out of my mind. She's always there. She's always in the playground and whimpering. I just can't get my eyes off her. She looks younger than me and it really pains me to see a kid who's in pain.

It's not a romantic feeling, but it's this feeling when you want to help someone. I usually see her sitting on the swings or in the sand box. Today I'm planning to find out what's really her problem.

Every time I see her too, I see fresh bruises on her skin and sometimes cuts. Is she being bullied? Abused? Who would do that to a little girl like that? I just can't leave her alone.

I even told Yato about it. He said he'd help but then I realized, things would just get messy. I took it back, I don't want his help. I just want him to stay put and let me do this. I've been like this before. Always a sad sack and so lonely.

I want to help her. She reminds me of myself before my cleansing. It's been haunting my mind ever since. Every day and night I come and check on her in the playground. Whether it was sunny or rainy. She reminds me of me, how much I wanted a friend.

I mean, I always saw other children there like her age, but they never came to her and she didn't even bother. She just keeps on looking down or even cry.

Today I'm going to check on her like I said. I want to know what happens before she stays alone. I grabbed my hat and shoes and headed outside. Today, I will find out.

Since I told Yato about this, I also asked some time to check on her. I quickly put on my shoes and ran to the playground. When I got there I was surprised by what I saw.

A group of girls that looked like her age was hitting her mercilessly. She was on the ground like she was already dead. My eyes widened and ran to the beaten girl to try to protect her from the mean kids.

"STOP IT!! SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU! GO AWAY!" I screamed as hard as I could. I quickly got to her side, crouching down so I can reach her. I knew that they couldn't hear me but I wanted to protect her. She looked horrible. Her blood was already dripping down her head and she looked like she was crying for a while.

"Come on girls. I think that's enough blood for her today. We don't want to kill her that early right? Let's go. And don't you forget you stupid girl, I am the prettiest of all of them, not you! You forget, you'll have the same treatment as always. Got that?" A girl that had red hair spoke. So she was the leader.

I looked at the H/C girl and she nodded at the girls. After that the girls left. She suddenly looked right at me. "T-thank you mister.." She said in her hoarse voice. She.. She can see me?!

My eyes widened, "Y-you..! C-can you see me?!" She nodded slowly and looked at me like I was crazy. "W-why are y-you so surprised mister..? D-did I do s-something...?" I was shocked and so speechless.

S-she can see me..!

When I finally got back to my senses, I tried to let her up. "Hey, can you get up? Sorry if I surprised you.. It's just that.." I paused for a while and thought of what to say. I couldn't say that I was dead because she would either be scared even more and run or call me crazy. Not until she suddenly got up and all her bruises were gone.

"It's okay mister, I understand. No need to explain." My eyes couldn't believe it. She had a F/C tail behind her swinging ever so slowly. She's a half-phantom?! I looked down on her body and like I expected her body was sleeping.

I looked at her with a surprised face. She looked at me with curiosity. She probably didn't know what was happening with her. I decided to ask her about this and how.

"Hey, I know that this question sounds stupid but, do you feel anything different with you? I mean, l-look below you..! Your body is.. Right there..! And you're away from it..!" My mind suddenly started connecting the dots.

She could see me. She was a half-phantom. Of course! She's half dead, that's why she can see me. But how exactly did that happen in the first place?

"Mister, I know what you mean. But I'm okay with it. Well at first it was scary but I got used to it too!" I shot her a quick glance before looking down on her unconscious body.

"Could you.. Tell me how that happened?" I asked. She nodded and told me her story. "Well, a few weeks ago, Petra was bullying me and punching me like always (I am so sorry if your name is Petra I just lost ideas on new names) but then something weird happened. It never really happened from my last beatings. I saw white light and I wanted to reach it but before I could it exploded! Then when I opened my eyes, I wasn't in my body anymore. All my bruises were gone too!"

I listened to her intently as she continued her story, "And then, I felt something funny behind me so when I looked behind and I saw a F/C tail! I screamed and started panicking after I saw the tail. When I looked at myself on the ground, I saw myself still getting beat up. But when I felt like I wasn't hurt by what they did to my body, I was okay with it. Ever since that day I could do that and I would have to drag my body somewhere where people couldn't see it."

"What I'm trying to say is that, I like doing this because I can't get hurt anymore when I'm in this body. I want to stay this way too." I looked at her if she was really serious. She was too.

I was so shocked. So her bullying was going on ever since? What the hell? "Where are your parents? Aren't they with you?" Her face expression suddenly changed. "Momma said that I should stay here and she said she'd be back.. But that was weeks ago.."

I was even more stunned. Her mother abandoned her? At her age her family just threw her away? Now that's bullspit! I looked at her with concern written on my face. "How did you manage to survive without food or water for a week?"

She looked at me with teary eyes, "I usually beg or steal.. I mostly do the begging because the last time I stole food, I almost got sent to the police." She sniffed and covered her E/C eyes.

I felt a pang of pity rush through me. Her situation was much more worse than mine. I had Yato and Hiyori to take care of me at first when I was found. Sure I had no home but Yato and Hiyori made sure I had a comfortable life as a spirit.

And her on the other hand, she's just a child. She managed to live by herself for weeks without any help at all. Yet, she isn't  complaining at all at her uncomfortable lifestyle.

And I.. Yes I was selfish before but now I get it. I needed to help this kid out. I want to be like Yato and Hiyori as well, to care for someone. I'll treat her as good as they treated me.

I wiped her tears away and kissed her forehead. "I'll take care of you then.. But before that, what's your name?" That's right I never got her name.

She looked like she wanted to cry but replied, "Y-Y/N.." She then lunged herself on me and cried loudly like she was holding it all in this whole time. "Well, I'm Yukine. I'll take care of you Y/N. I won't abandon you ever." I hugged her and stroked her dirty hair.

"I promise, you will be loved."

(Now this wasn't so bad was it? Meh, scratch that it was horrible. But bruhh I spent like 2 days hunting ideas in my brain hole! Okay okay I'll stop ranting. Was it a good story? I know it wasn't that detailed but eh. Anyways, thanks for reading!! More updates to come!

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