Let the Shipping Wars Begin!

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Ask by Rose-Shine1234 ~ Soo~ Who do you ship?
*The whole Sin/Shipper Squad smiles evily*

Cherry: I think I speak for all of my friends here when I say that our top priorities at the moment at the moment are, Errink, Afterdeath, Kustard, or maybe Cherryberry. And maybe Astronomy, we'll see..

Sin/Shipper Squad: *all nod in agreement*

Everyone in the background shutters, blushing a lot except Reaper obviously.

Reaper: Oh Geno~ You see, we were meant to be~ *sexy eyebrow bone wiggle*

Geno(the tsundere choild): S-SHUT UP YOU...YOU BAKA!!!!

Reaper: Hehe~

The Sin/Shipping Squad all are fangirling in the background.

Cherry: Well, enough of that. For now~. Good bye my little Moonbuds and have a good night/day!!!

-Sin/Shipper Squad is now open for group dares and asks.

-Also you can become part of our squad by commenting 'Sin is sin' quote the famous Dadster.

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