Chapter 3: Day Before

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The day had finally come. El had spent the entire day before packing up her few belongings, and a few necessities from around the cabin into boxes. Hopper would help when he got home at five thirty. Five, three, zero. She looked at the clock. Two, two, seven. She didn't know exactly how much longer it would be so she kept working.
As she moved onto the record player, she saw something shiny. Curiosity fell over her. It was a gold band with a white gem on top.
"Pretty." She said. She put it in the pocket of her worn out jeans, hoping to show Hopper her new discovery later. She kept working, packing up the records, and her beloved movies. After all that hard work, El felt like she deserved a break. She went into her room to lay on her bed and let out a sigh. She would soon have a family of her own.
Hopper walked in the door of the cabin at five thirty, and called for his girl.
"El?" No response.
"Shit." He mumbled assuming she had run off. He then peeked into her room to see her sprawled on her back snoring softly. He laughed to himself as he lightly shook her shoulder. A groggy eyed Eleven looked up at him.
"Good nap kiddo?" He asked.
El nodded and sat up.
"Let's get this packing done shall we?"

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