Chapter 19: Be a badass

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Hollow's pov

"Since when do you not have a dick?" Hidan threw his hands up. He'd been asking me the same thing for around five minutes after I informed him that I indeed did not have one, but I could never quite get the words out before he'd begin to talk again. 

I did not want to be rude and interrupt, so I was just waiting now. I am quite okay with waiting. I have acquired what is called patience, all though I am not sure how. It is not something you inherent, but I have not had much time to develop any! It is very interesting.

"U-Um, well-" I did not get to finish again, but that is okay. 

"How the fuck are you gonna make it in the world? I mean, girls are kick ass, don't get me the fuck wrong. I'm terrified of Konan, she's one creepy fucker. But look at yourself!" He gestured towards me. "You're too fucking shy to tell people that you're bleeding out! You're like, the most fucking innocent teenager in the god damn universe right now. Well, you won't be for long living here, but you need to be kickass! You'll be trampled if you aren't a fucking badass. You're a kid, a disadvantageous gendered kid in a misogynistic world, who can't string a fucking sentence together without becoming a god damn stuttering, blushing mess."

"I-I see." I suppose he does not remember the whole... pedophile incident from earlier. That is alright. It does not matter. But he has a fair point, I believe. If I have been appointed to... er, to save the world, then I can't be like... this. I... I really can't help it. 

I do not want to be rude! But I will probably not do well if I continue in this manner. I do not want to not do well. That would not be good for anyone! Who would save the world then? Pein-san does not seem like he would do a very good job. He was going to make powerful weapons! That is not good.

"Fuck, even your hair. Your hair is a fucking rainbow." Hidan groaned. "You're so dead. What the hell are you even supposed to be, anyway? A bag of fucking skittles? A gay pride statement? What the fuck?"

"I-It is a result o-of th-the experiments." I informed him. He paused, his lips pressing into a thin line. I stared nervously at him, my legs dangling off the edge of my bed. He had sat me down before freaking out, and I am quite glad. That was nice of him, because my feet ache quite a bit. Hikari is healing them, but only so much of her power is able to come through the seal. Plus, I do not want to trouble her! 

"Oh fuck, that's right." Hidan snapped his fingers. "You were Orochimaru's guinea pig and Tobi's a fucking pedophile."

I nodded. "Okay, well shit this is even worse. People are going to pity you. They need to take you seriously." He stood up. I blinked owlishly. "You're not gonna solve any world issues covered in dirt, dried blood and with a fucking mop-head like that. You look like a damn rag doll, kid. Shower and I'll give you a badass haircut." He promised. "You need to be a badass."

"O-Okay." I blinked owlishly, my cheeks coloring. "S-Sorry." I apologized quickly at the dry look he gave me in response to what I assume is my stutter. I must try to fix it, as not to disappoint him. I do not want to be a disappointment, oh no! I must be a success-ness. 

"Don't apologize. That's rule number one of being a badass." Hidan stood up from his place on the floor, opening the door. I hopped up and quickly rushed out as he ushered me out into the hall. I wonder what sort of hair cutting he will be doing! I suppose it does not matter all too much. It is just hair, and hair isn't that important. Especially when I am very sure mine is not supposed to be so many colors. It is only supposed to be one color! Maybe a little bit of two. Like a... a mixture. Can hair color be a mixture?

"Come on, don't you wanna be a badass? Pick up the pace, kid." Hidan was already halfway down the hall. I blinked out of my thoughts, scurrying after him nervously. He had my stack of clean clothes under one arm, and was waiting impatiently for me to arrive. I do not blame him. I am not very fast with my injured feet. 

"Ah, shit. Your feet. Now I'm the asshole who makes gay-pride orphans run." Hidan sighed once I arrived. I ducked my head. He held up a finger immediately. "Don't you fucking dare." I closed my mouth. He crouched down, picking me up and slinging me over his shoulder. I blinked as he patted my back firmly, standing back up. 

"This shit works. Now, lets roll. I can feel your potential to be a badass seeping out of you."

"O-Oh, c-can I st-stop it?"

"Can you stop the damn stuttering?"


"Then hell no."

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