Chapter 7

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  Chat Noir's eyes widened when he saw the soldiers grabbed Marinette. "Release her! Right not!" One of the soldiers pushed him away, "sorry lover boy, this girl is under arrest and you can't change that." Anger boiled inside of him as he watched them tie Marinette's hands together with handcuffs. He stood up and ripped the mask right off his face. "Release her, by the order of the crown prince!" The soldiers stood in shock and quickly bow their heads at him. "Prince Adrien Agreste!" Adrien marched up to the captain, "release this young woman, right now!"

Marinette could hardly think right now of what is going on. *He is the prince! Felix is Adrien, who is also the prince* "I'm sorry you're highness, our orders came from your father, the King." Adrien tightens his fist as he turned in looked up at his father. Who was watching from a high enough balcony to see everything down below him. Adrien quickly went up to Marinette and cupped her left cheek while wrapping his arm around her waist. "Marinette? Please, look at me?" Marinette refused to look at the man that cause her so much pain.

"It from my flaws, I found a deeper truth - and it's then I bloomed, a black rose." Adrien couldn't bear to watch the tears run down Marinette's face as the soldiers took her away. Adrien looked at Nino, "this party is over! Get everyone out of here!" Nino didn't argue as Adrien storm off to find his father. Anger, sadness, even hate rages on inside of him as he walked through the halls. *Bang* Gabriel jumped in shock at the sound of office door slammed open. "Why!? She didn't do anything wrong! Why did you!? I -  l." Adrien was so upset that he couldn't form any more sentences to say. "I did it because she broke the law and now she is going to have a punishment for it."

Adrien looked at him, who was just sitting at his desk signing paperwork."She didn't do anything wrong! It's my fault! Give me the punishment! Not her, just, let her go!" Gabriel looked up at him and stood up from his desk, "Adrien, you were going to be in arrange marriage with Princess -." "I don't care!" Gabriel was surprised by Adrien's sudden outburst, he has never seen him act like this before. "Marinette is not a person you can just lock up and rot away behind bars! I care about her too much to let you do that to her!" Gabriel looked into his son's eyes and saw that they were not gentle or prince-like.

"I love her! There's nothing you can do change that! Either you're with me or against me!" Gabriel walked around his desk and stood in front of him, "you are going to marry Princess Chloe tomorrow, at sunset. When the Kwamis will carry out the ceremony in the Keeper's Tower." Adrien could no longer hold back his inner darkness anymore. Something inside of him was taking control of him and changing him.
"I was afraid of this but I have to do it." Tikki looked at Plagg, "Plagg! Please, tell me he is not the one your spell talks about!? That he is the one to bring the destruction to his own Kingdom!?" Plagg transform from his human to kwami form in a flash of green light. "I am sorry, Tikki." Plagg, flew straight into the mirror wall and disappeared without a trace. "Why do I hated it and love it when he does that!?" Noroo sat on the ground drying his cloak, "Every single Chat Noir and Ladybug falls in love with each other. It's a 50,000 year old legacy and it never fails." Tikki pushed Noroo back into the lake after he just finished drying himself.
Gabriel saw Adrien's ring glow green and time frozen all around him. "What is going on!?" He saw a black figure walking towards him, "Gabriel Agrest!?" Gabriel looked at him, "who are you? What is going on?" Plagg lowered his hood and showed who he is, "you have sealed your fate when you arrested the girl." Gabriel froze in fear because he remembered the spell casted on him 16 years ago. "No! There's is no Chat Noir or Chat Blanc! You just made it up to scare me!" Plagg look at him and walked over to the grandfather clock across the room. "I gave you time to change your mind but you didn't, your time is up and my spell on you can't be broken."

With a snap of Plagg's fingers, time unfroze, Plagg turned back into his Kwami form, and Adrien transformed. Gabriel was blinded by the green light but when it faded away, he froze in fear. Standing in front of him was the exact same cat-like warrior he saw 16years ago. The only difference was this one was real and in the flesh, not made out of smoke. "Adrien! Please, listen - ah!" Chat Noir swung his baton and knocked his father to the ground and pinned him. "I am no longer your son, Adrien Agreste! I am the darkness that you force your son to lock up inside! I am Chat Noir!" Gabriel pushed him off and grabbed his sword and pointed at him,"No! Change back into my son, and leave my kingdom!"

Chat Noir walked up to him and touched the blade with a single finger, "Cataclysm!" Gabriel was in shock that his sword turned brown and turned to dust right before his eyes. "Guards!" Five soldiers burst into the room and had their weapons ready. "Get him! That leather cat!" The soldiers attacked but Chat easily dodged their attacks. He swung his baton and knocked the first two out while tossing the third one through a table. The last two lay on the floor knocked out after he punched them in the face. "Are you still going to put up this cat fight?"

Gabriel looked at him and couldn't believe he took out 5 of his best soldiers in 10 seconds flat. "I am going to get my son back and he is going to marry Princess Chloe!" Chat Noir only sighs at him, "still don't understand, do you!? You think Plagg is controlling your son, like some puppet? Please, it's actually the other way around!" Gabriel shook in fear, "Adrien! If you have the freedom to change back, do it! Now!" Chat walked away from him and on to his balcony, " A thorn defends the rose, harming those who steal the blossom. I will protect my Princess from you! If you try to stop me, I'll destroy everything in my path!"

Chat Noir took his baton and extend it and pole vaulted off the balcony. He disappeared into the night without a single clue left behind. Gabriel looked around but couldn't find him, he quickly calls the captain of the guards. " Assemble your men and place this castle on full lockdown! No one gets in or out! As for this Marinette girl, I will give her punishment myself!" Gabriel opened a secret cabinet and took out a jar that held a dark looking butterfly inside of it.  

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