Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"So, Joey, what did you fancy doing today?"

Joey clapped his hands, staring at the array of leaflets my mum had spread out as if he could read them. Bending down and almost falling over, he planted his hand over the seal sanctuary brochure. "Fishies!"

I was glad it was that rather than the bird sanctuary. I'd always had an unreasonable fear of things flying around my head. Fish were nice and safe in the water. What I definitely did need for this day out, however, was my iPod. The aquarium would be nice enough, but I liked walking around seeing things with a nice, soothing beat in my ear. I excused myself and went to search my room.

After a solid minute of rifling through my bags, I was beginning to get annoyed. I wasn't the tidiest person, but keeping my possessions safe was a priority. "Mum! Have you seen my iPod? I can't find it anywhere in here." I'd only been listening to it yesterday evening. Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone, I wasn't afraid to admit.

"You won't find it in there. I've confiscated it for the day, and every day, until the end of this holiday." She was incredibly smug about it. "You can have it for going to sleep, I know you need your music for that, but in the day times you're going to actually communicate with us."

"Mum, sticking one headphone in my ear doesn't stop me hearing or talking. I just like music. I'm not trying to be antisocial," I traipsed back through to the living room and fixed her with a hard glare, my okay mood quickly dissipating. "All you're doing is putting me in a bad mood."

"Well I'm sure the aquarium will get you out of it. Come on, get some shoes on. Today is going to be fun."

I was struggling to share her enthusiasm. At least I still had my phone, I'd have to make sure that I kept that on my person from all times after today and be extra sneaky when I used it. If only I had my headphones.

Rachel was carrying her little sister outside just as we left the chalet. "Oh, hi Tone! What are your plans for today?"

I was standing away from my parents slightly, having planned on checking to see if I had any messages. I supposed making a friend should have been a higher priority if there was a chance my phone could be taken – I needed something here to make me happy. Something other than the memory of Declan's glorious voice and his dreamy smile, anyway.

"Going to the aquarium I think. It was my brother's choice."

Joey perked up at being referred to and came to hide behind my knee, peeking shyly at Rachel's younger sister.

"Me too! Oh, we should go together. It could be a lot of fun. Were your parents planning on going, though? They might not want me to tag along. My parents like doing the spa stuff in the day and I take Millie around."

I turned to my parents, knowing it was going against their whole philosophy of the holiday, but hoping my debating skills would come in handy. "Hey mum, Rachel and her little sister are going to the aquarium today. I thought maybe I could take Joey and you guys could go and chill for a while."

"Well, honey, I think we kind of had this planned as a family day."

"I know, but I just hardly ever get to spend time with Joey by himself." There was a reason for it – I wasn't good with kids and I had no desire to be left alone with a child, even if he was my brother, but I could make an exception today. I lifted him onto my hip and managed a large grin. "We could have a really fun time," I leant forwards and whispered. "Plus, I know Joey already has a really big crush on Millie."

Joey protested loudly and my parents laughed. "Okay. Well, thankfully we get signal all around here so you can call us if you need anything. Don't stay out to long and look after your little brother." They kissed his cheek and went off towards the beach with a small wave, which Joey returned.

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