two: "friends"

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I can't be the only person who hates their friends. You know, the ones that talk shit about you, the one who make you cry. The friends that you never want to see again.
My best friend, Blake, is turning against me as well. I don't know what I did wrong, but there seems to be something I could do better. Like removing them from my life. I would be significantly happier without them ruining the picture.
However, I do not have many genuine friends. Genuine friends listen not to reply, but listen to help you. They don't criticise you, or force you to do things that you don't want to do. When you're at your worst, they help you get up. By pushing the fake friends out of the picture, I would be left with no one. Please, DM me if you are willing to be my friend.
These "friends" act like they love me. They don't think I notice anything. The whispers, the stares, the rumors, the harsh words said to make everyone turn against me. Stephanie (DON'T GET OFFENDED IF THIS IS YOUR NAME), if you're reading this, fuck you. You are the cause of my pain. You are so fake. I can see the multiple sides of you. You call me ugly behind my back, but you are too, under all that makeup. I can tell when you're lying to me- which is literally all you do. You say I'm bad at everything. Have you seen yourself? Can't sing, dance, or get good grades. You can't look like a normal person, for the life of you. You can't fight. "You're a basic bitch," Stephanie, honey, try again. You can't roast someone for the life of you. If you're going to talk shit about me, try saying it to my face. Watch that hideous face of yours get fucked up.

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