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So summer was great for me and my bf to everyone that was close to me and him that is. But sure enough we were hiding the fights that we got into. He cheated so many times and he lied constantly I was SICK of it. So school started...meet new friends...guys start to hit on you...you flirt back knowing that your bf doesn't love you anymore. Then he lost his fucking mind we argue and break up by the end of the day of course with my heart in pieces that wasn't easy for me. He wouldn't leave me alone always following me. Then we get back together for like less than a month. Break up again...make promises then break them. On and off with feelings then finally I had enough of it and yelled at him...that made things worse he starts making things up and getting me in trouble for stuff I didn't do. I had enough so I threatened him . He stopped but still jabs at me from time to time. I don't care about that because I am good at this game so we are good but he says he loves his new gf more than he did me thinking it would hurt me but it doesn't. All I hope for him is that he doesn't get her PREGNANT!!!! You know who you are and you don't need another kid!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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