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I got this weird feeling that someone was following me. I picked up the pace as the feeling got stronger and stronger. I wanted to start running but I knew if I did it'd probably make it worse. Hoping to shake off the feeling I went into a nearby gas station. Out of all the days to be working late, it had to be one that was below 0. I always knew New York was no joke when it came to cold weather. I should of invested in a warmer coat.

I'm just being paranoid, I said while trying to convince myself as the feeling slowly drifted away.

While I was in the gas station I just had to grab a few things to get me through the next couple days. I have the weekend off and I plan on staying in. After grabbing everything I needed, I payed at the register and walked back into the cold night cold air.

Only a few more blocks to go. My neighborhood was pretty nice for the amount they were charging. It was in the outskirts of New York. I didn't want to be to far in the city so this was perfect. About a block away from my house, the feeling of prying eyes started to come back. What is wrong with me?

The bag holding my plans for the weekend busted open leaving everything spilling out on the ground. As I bent down to pick them up I was hit in the back of my head. I could feel blood seeping from the fresh wound. My eyes began to feel heavy. I couldn't stay awake any longer.

Well I guess I wasn't just being paranoid.

All details in this book are put in for a reason so pay attention. Enjoy!!

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