Play smart not dumb

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I woke up in the back of a van or truck or something. I couldn't tell. As much as I wanted to scream for help I knew I couldn't. I had to be smart about my current situation. Play smart don't play dumb.

The vehicle wasn't speeding. So it probably wasn't worried about getting pulled over or even being suspicious. As far as everyone outside of the car was concerned nothing was going on.

I think there was only one guy. He was tall and buff.He seemed strong yet he chose to knock me out. There must be a reason for that. Maybe he didn't want to take the chance of me screaming. Or maybe just maybe it was something more.

I tried something I learned a while back. I was able to estimate how far we were driving by counting the time. By doing this I would be able to determine how far we had traveled. Unfortunately I forgot about the amount of time I was passed out. I had no way to calculate for that amount of time.

Well that was a waste of time but I shouldnt give up and I won't give up. I will find a way out.

After a while. I'm guessing around 30 minutes, we slowed down. It sounded like he was talking to someone.

"Aye where the boss. He in there?"

" Yea. Last time I checked. He waiting on ya Jeff ?"

"Mmhm. I had ta go out n grab Maria's replacement."

"Wait hol up. He replacing ha already? I thought she was straight. She ain't been here fa mo then 3 months."

"Yea but she ain't bringing in no money. Ya know boss don't like that. Ain't nobody permanent..."

"Y'all all are temporary."

They started laughing. It seemed to be an uncomfortable laugh though. Cuz I couldn't understand what was funny.

After their quick chat we started driving again before parking. The front door opened and closed indicating that the guy known as Jeff was coming to get me out. I wish they would hurry up and take this blindfold off. It was uncomfortable.

Jeff walked into the building I assumed and up a set of stairs.

The blindfold was taken off as well as the rope around my wrists. As I looked around the room I noticed it was an office of sorts.

"Wait here." Jeff instructed

"Okay" I whispered as he walked away.

I felt someone burning a hole in the side of my face. I turned around and was met with the eyes of a man. I could tell he was in charge here. Based not only on the expensive suit he was wearing and the custom gold and diamond encrusted watch adjoining his wrist but the way he stood, the way he breathed, and the way his eyes portrayed power.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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