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It really was a good year, I swear.

The pack had not only defeated the Alpha Pack--and gain two new members--but Scott had also become an alpha. Not just any alpha though, a True Alpha. It was good year after that. Well, a good few weeks.

Allison and Scott both started hallucinating, and couldn't do things they use to be able to. Scott couldn't shift. Allison couldn't shoot. Stiles didn't know what was going on. Stiles was also hallucinating. Seeming more like a demigod--within the aspects of ADHD and dyslexia--than a hyperactive teenager with ADHD and a bad case of sarcasm. The words would just float off the paper.

Then there were the dreams.

The dreams that haunted his sleep every night the second he closed his eyes. The dreams that were an endless paradox. One, after another, after another, each seeming more real each time until it got to the point Stiles didn't know what was real anymore.

It all only got worse once he met him.

The man--no, the monster with bandages wrapped completely around it's face, only showing sharp, silver fangs in it's mouth instead of teeth.

It talked in riddles most of the time.

It said we instead of you, me, or I.

It talked about killing his family, his friends, his pack.

It said that he was going to do it.

That he was going to be the one to tear his own life to shreds.

That wasn't the worst part of the story though. The worst was when Stiles knew--he knew--that it was going to come true. The worst was when he stopped Oliver from drilling into Malia's head that night--which if he did it over, he would've done again. The worst was when he let it in.


Scott couldn't believe what had already happened this year.

He couldn't believe any of it.

Sure, he enjoyed being an alpha now, but at what price? After all, they had only drowned themselves and opened their minds to find the Nemeton. The only thing that did was cause some pretty bad hallucinations, and caused his best friend--no, his brother to be in this situation.

So, yeah, they defeated the Alpha Pack.

Yeah, Scott became a True Alpha.

But all his brother got, was an evil fox spirit messing with his mind.

I am going to fix this. He thought as he watched Stiles. Well, he's not really Stiles anymore, is he? a voice in the back of his head whispered sullenly. Not-Stiles was on the couch tied up, no longer putting on the act that he wasn't under the full control of the nogitsune. He wanted to fix this. He needed to fix this. If only he knew how. Hang on there bro, he thought, you'll be back with us again soon.


Dean missed his little brother.

Sure, the kid didn't know him and, hell, he didn't know the kid. He just hoped little Mischief was alright.

Dean hadn't known the kid long. Sammy didn't even know he existed.

Sam had been 12 when the kid was born, and Dean had been 16.

Dean only knew because when Claudia from down the hall knocked on the door at 6 in the morning, he was the only one awake.

His dad had gone on a hunt for the night, and Claudia had a flight to catch. She didn't want to tell John over the phone, so she did the only thing she could think of.

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