Fück Article 13

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1. Fück Article 13

2. If you don't know about Article 13, here's what you need to know:

Article 13 is a new act that is in the final stages of voting in Europe. It essentially means that anything that uses a type of reference or 'copy' of a movie, tv show, book, or music will be taken down and be marked as copyright. So, no fanfiction, most YouTube channels will be affected, no creative freedom, and no memes. This affects everything you enjoy and everything you love.

3. Fûck Article 13

4. If you still don't understand, watch this video as to understand the situation more.

5. Fūck Article 13

6. Don't forget to share this with others so we can get the word out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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