Chapter One: Auditions

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They were better known as the Berry Brats among those they go to school with, having a majorly negative attention due to Rachel being arrogant and cocky while Chandler was rude and rather loud. Them combined, however, could bring down an entire town, though most would say not in a good way. Known to be each other's only friends (besides Kurt for Chandler), the two are extremely loyal, having the same dreams with the same goals and what the same talent to get them to that destination.

Chandler could only suppose it had something to do with the fact of their fathers having such an impact on the both of them as well as entering them into different projects to branch out their theatrical talents, both specializing in singing, but Rachel was better with dancing and Chandler with his acting. Both were inseparable, however, being the only ones to never compete with the other because of the sheer love they shared. Nevertheless they were still selling; they still had their rivalries. They were known to have random singing conversations in the middle of the hallway to settle and argument. It was unsettled.

With that being said, despite their relationship, both did have their own thing to go with, Rachel often taking up as many clubs as she could to branch out her mind while Chandler did every volunteer work he could, seeming to have several jobs at once that people often gained the impression that he was constantly fired and getting new jobs or that he had a secret twin nobody knew about, including Rachel. Really, he and his sister we're just overachievers.

McKinley High just didn't seem to be the right place for them to shine themselves into a burst of a star and a firework, which was how each of them describe themselves. As said before, the two were massively unpopular, Rachel often getting slushied or having pornographic pictures drawn of her on the bathroom wall while Chandler was shoved into lockers by the jocks or dumped into the trash can with Kurt, who unfortunately became an unlikely companion to the male Berry.

All things to a close, the siblings were stuck now, Rachel in her sophomore year and Chandler in his junior. Things seem to be getting worse for the two of them, even when they joined the choir, Sandy Ryerson being the director. It became very obvious to Chandler who the man favored, constantly asking Chandler to hold back and sing one on one with him while Sandy just stared at him in obvious want. Chandler had never felt more embarrassed.

Rachel had promised him she had reported Sandy strictly because he was coming on to her elder brother in an inappropriate way, but Chandler was slightly under the impression that she had only done it because Sandy had given most of the solos for Chandler to sing, even the songs that were traditionally sung by a girl. Overall, the teacher had been fired and order to stay away from McKinley as far as possible. Hiram and Leroy had also gotten a restraining order on Sandy, making sure he could never come near their precious son again.

"So she just reported him like that?" Kurt demanded as he and Chandler walked down the hallways, their peers walking past them without even giving the two a passing glance. "She sounds like a real ball of what the hell. But if Mr. Ryerson was coming on to you the way he was..." He trailed off, giving Chandler an expression here recognized all to well.

"He was coming on to me, Kurt, even almost going as far as to keep me three hours after school to rehearse the same song from Hamilton twenty times just to perfect it. We all know I had it the first time." Kurt rolled his eyes when he was sure Chandler wasn't looking. "And, anyway, Rachel's hoping someone will buck up and become the new choir instructor, but I doubt it. Guarantee coach Sylvester already has all the funds from the team."

"Can't really blame her when the Cheerios look as fabulous as they do. Damn them," Kurt sighed. Chandler laughed, but he felt it catch in his throat as he was shoved out of the way, his back and his head hitting the line of lockers, Kurt following suit and nearly crashing into his chest. Whipping his head around, he recognized the two beings he hated crossing. If the Berry Brats were as bad as anything, the Puckerman Twins were even worse.

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