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Futakuchi stood behind you as you cradled the baby in your arms. Whilst you did so, your cousin cooed softly over your shoulders, delighted that he was able to make the little child gurgle over his antics. After having a few trivial moments with the baby, you handed her back to her brother; who shared the same shade of red with her newly grown truffles. Tendou took his baby sister gently, making silly voices all the way.

"Geez, they sure are takin' their sweet time," sighed the middle blocker dramatically as he still had his little sister in his arms. You nodded to his statement, a small pout was a bit visible on your face. You had been waiting for Akari and some of the other guys to come to the bakery, as she had promised before sending you off at the train station the day before. Yet, it was only Tendou- two Tendous, including, his sister- who had made it on time.

Even so, you did not really mind it, fairly knowing that Akari is never one to upset you. Keeping that in your mind, you continued to play with Tendou's little sister, and Futakuchi was quick to pop right back behind you to play with the little child once again. Despite being rather childish for the rest of his lives, Futakuchi sure does love little kids.

"This kid is too cute," Futakuchi sighed in content as he tried his very best to restrain himself from dying out of pure ecstasy. The three of you chattered away happily with your grandmother watching from the counter every once in a while, happy to see that you were having your friends over.

"Welcome," your grandmother bowed upon hearing the small bell chimed. "(Y/N)!" It was Akari, and so you turned your head in a swift, grinning at the sight of your long awaited friend. She had her hand in Ushijima's, while her other free hand was gesturing a little hello.

Futakuchi took it as his cue to leave for the kitchen, not forgetting to place a soft ruffle on the baby's head before he went. "You know where to find me if you need anything," he said, patting your head a bit and finally heading his way to the kitchen. However, as he walked in a leisurely pace while rolling his sleeves up, he had caught a familiar sight; one standing just behind the ace and your dearest friend. Futakuchi stopped.

Maybe he was wrong. Yet, when a pair of hazel orbs met his own, he knew he was far from being wrong. He was unusually right, and he had no doubt about it. Casually, and without hesitation, he greeted.

"Yo, it's been a while."

Tendou munched on his blueberry muffin, complimenting on how heavenly it tasted like with his mouth full. It was one of Futakuchi's handmade pastries, the blueberry muffins. In your grandmother's bakery, the both of you had always lent her help in the kitchen, and so you grew up knowing which recipe suited your own capabilities, and the results are more than you could ever ask for.

You smiled, relief washing over you upon knowing that they were enjoying the treats there. You spun back to head to the kitchen to help your cousin; and prepare your friends' drinks. Akari stole a glance at her side, at her classmate, just to make sure that she really, really was not having hallucinations from her own desperation of wanting you to fall in love.

It did not disappoint her when she saw what she wanted; and what she had expected, too. Kawanishi was there eating chocolate chip coookies, with his eyes stealing a few glances at you. She averted her gaze elsewhere, to her boyfriend specifically, keeping her thoughts buried deep in her.

"Are you alright?" Ushijima asked, monotonously, yet hints of worry were slightly vivid in his voice as he stared at Akari. "Yeah, I'm great," she convinced, her cheeks flushed a light vibrant of pink. "You should tell me if there's anything bothering you," he hummed, nodding to her as he resumed to eating his own treats.

Tendou grinned so widely as he had seen his friend; tough and strong and facial expressions as hard as a stone, most of the times- was being sweet and caring for once. Even his little sister, who was still wrapped in his long arms, gurgled in glee. As if she knew just what was happening.

"(Y/N)-chan, can you look after Shizuka for a bit?? I'm in desperate need for the loo," Tendou asked, yet not waiting for your answer as he just gently handed his sister to you, and scrambled to the restroom.

You smiled at her, seeing her fast asleep. You were expecting that it was your cousin who was standing right next to you, but when the hand that reached out to stroke Shizuka's hair seemed unlikely like Futakuchi's, you turned to see that it was Kawanishi. The look on his face was exactly like the time when he played with the kittens behind the gym. "She's cute," he breathed, unaware of your lingering gaze and missing the nod that you give in response.

"They look nice together," Ushijima thought out loud, catching Akari's gaze in a single heartbeat. "(Y/N) and Kawanishi?" she raised an eyebrow, as if she did not understand what the ace had just indicated. He gave a light nod. She watched how firm your hold was as you held the little child, and how soft Kawanishi's gaze was; and how comfortable you two were standing rather close to each other.

You have always been a bit shy around guys, and Kawanishi is pretty much known to not converse with girls so much.

"Yeah," Akari said after quite some time. By then, she was definitely sure that she was not imagining the most trivial of things. "Come to onii-chan," Tendou sang, his long arms reaching out to his sister in your hold. He held Shizuka close to his chest as he thanked you, soon humming a lullaby that you could not quite remember to his sister.

"I wasn't expecting you, honestly," Futakuchi said, as he leaned against the wall while you were with Akari and the others. Kawanishi gave a simple hum, not really knowing what to say in return. It bothered none of them, Futakuchi's many many talks, and Kawanishi's lack of response. It never used to be awkward with Futakuchi; not even after years of not meeting up.

"Do you..?" Kawanishi glanced at your cousin, who had just left his question unfinished. Despite incomplete words left hanging in the atmosphere, it was as clear as day to what he was indicating. "I'll take that as a yes," Futakuchi grinned when all he got was silence.

"Shut up," he sighed, yet a small smile crept up his face as he received a bit more teases from his old friend. "I can't believe you; just waiting for her to recover," Futakuchi said, a sympathic smile on his features as he landed his eyes on you. From a distance, you caught his stare and waved at him, soon resuming your current activity with Akari.

"It's a slow process. I'm pretty sure you can tell," he continues again. Kawanishi gave a long sigh. "I know that. But it's fine," he breathes. Futakuchi sensed that his voice was a bit off, and he striked up another conversation; about volleyball.

"Bye-bye Shizuka-chan," Futakuchi and you bade in sync softly, not wanting to wake her up from her nap. "Thanks for the treats, they're absolutely amazing," Akari beamed before she turned on her heels to catch up with the other guys who had walked ahead of her. You gave an airy chuckle when you saw her trying to take hold of Ushijima's hand, only for a slightest of blush to form on his cheeks before complying to her wish.

As they walked further ahead, you saw Kawanishi taking a last glance at you and your cousin, before waving a small goodbye.

"Let's go back and help Obaa-chan," Futakuchi indicated, nudging you ever so lightly. You trailed behind him with a grin on your face, happy to have spent your time with your friends for the day.

As he watched you at the corner of his eyes, he had only hoped that your memories would recover soon, despite knowing that his old friend would wait nonetheless.

He would even wait forever.

Closely. [Kawanishi Taichi]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon