summer: part 4

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When Lauren parted ways with JoJo, the first thing she did was head back to her apartment. Despite being gone for literally only two days, the apartment was not the same way she left it.

She blamed her siblings for that.

There were a bunch of cans and empty jars of food scattered around the apartment, cigarette butts in the ashtray on the coffee table and various articles of clothing (including hers) were thrown about on several pieces of furniture in not only the living room, but also the kitchen.

The fact that nothing had been cleaned or at least organized didn't surprise her much. Her siblings were probably the laziest people she knew.

Thankfully, neither Taylor or Chris were there, so they would not be at the receiving end of her wrath. She'd have to leave them a long, lengthy note before she left.

For now, she'd enjoy the few free hours she had, and then stock up and pack whatever she needed to bring for the trip.

First thing she did? Actually look in a mirror.

JoJo wasn't exaggerating when she said she looked like shit. Because she really did.  Her hair was a mess. Greasy and unkempt. Her clothes were all grimy and dirty. And she was certain the few specks of red on her jacket were from the brief encounter she had with Zayn's boys. The disheveled look she was sporting wasn't attractive or even flattering. How did Dinah not turn away in disgust when she saw her?

Sighing, she got out of her clothes and slipped into the shower, letting the warm water flower over her skin. The shower relaxed her for a small amount of time, which was enough for her. She knew she wouldn't have much down time, what with the whole getting the possible cure to the cordyceps brain infection to the Fireflies.

After the shower, she gathered a few necessities for the trip. Some articles of clothing, some food, the basics. She stuffed everything into her backpack, and was on her way out of the apartment, when her eyes caught the sight of her brother's jacket draped over the back of their couch.

Since her jacket was essentially ruined from her run-in with Zayn's guys, she decided it wouldn't hurt to borrow her brother's jacket. He wouldn't miss it, right?

Grabbing the black and grey letterman jacket off the couch, she easily slipped it on. Its sleeves were a little long, but it'd do for now.

Writing a quick note to her siblings, she finally left the apartment.


It didn't take Lauren too long to find what she was looking for after leaving the apartment. JoJo mentioned the two familiar faces joining her on the trip, and already knowing who exactly JoJo was referring to, Lauren found their apartment quite easily, considering it was in the same building complex.

The door to the apartment was wide open, two sets of voices growing louder as Lauren approached it. Leaning against the door frame, Lauren watched the two women inside.

"Mila, seriously. You don't need to bring a bag of chips. It's an in and out situation." Normani snatched the bag out of Camila's hand and tossed it aside, "Besides, I already packed the food. There's no need to bring any more."

Camila narrowed her eyes, shaking her head, "I can't believe you decided on what we should eat on this trip. Ridiculous." Turning her back on Normani, she shoved some more clothes into her bag and kept silent.

"Are you really trying to ignore me now?" Normani stepped closer to the younger girl.

Camila simply chose to ignore her as she zipped up her bag, and threw it on to the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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