Chapter 4

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The weapons ceremony was ok, It went smoothly enough. We were all assigned to our squads, given our roles, and our weapons. Since their was were so few squads it only took about 45 minutes, which made me sad. This meant our army wasn't getting as many new recruits since to join the army was completely up to you where with the humans you had no choice. The only reason the humans were fighting themselves is because very soon after the war started the humans learned that we could disable bombs, nukes, and anything that didn't have silver in it. See Silver is the only thing that can kill us due to the fact that they were the only thing that our bodies couldn't heal. The thing that separates us from the humans is our cells, our cells are frozen in time and can't be killed or regenerated. Silver is the only thing that kill our cells meaning it can kill us since we don't automatically heal themselves. If we werer injured by a silver weapon we had special machines designed to heal us. But hey I'm getting side tracked, back to the  ceremony.

My group had just been up and we were walking down the stairs, I had been assigned squad strategist , my weapons were two black knives with parlays poison on the edges, because of the poison the blades edges were a neon green. We had the poison since we never actually killed the humans, we just brought them to the Ningen no nōkawhere they lived in towns built to look like the human world. there were very few jobs available so most of them took a job to donate blood to us vampires, They lived peaceful lives, their children went to the schools, then went to the collages, and then got jobs. But again I'm getting side tracked. And I was of course in the same squad as Jēmus, Muki, and Rūshī. Muki had been assigned as our squad leader, her weapon a huge black scythe also with neon green parlays poison on the edge. Jēmusu had been assigned as our offensive, his weapon was a Zweihaender (look it up, but its like a sword thingy). It too was black and had neon green poison on its edges. Rūshī was our back up for offense, so if Jēmusu were to need help he would be the own to call but if he wasn't doing that then he would be our bodyguard. His weapon was a black Kakute with the poison on the edges (Look it up, But its like rings with sharp spikes). We weren't the strongest group but by far weren't the weakest. As a matter of fact my 'Father' was in one of the strongest groups, there was a tie between 5 groups. All the vampires in those groups were at least 879 millennia old. They also happened to have a lot of political power meaning they were generally right so people listened.

We were all walking off back to our dorms to go and pack what little stuff we had into our bags. We were all casually talking. Just doing the things that normal friends do. Me dodging Jēmusu's surprise attacks while Muki teases Rūshī about his name. I somehow managed to get Jēmusu to hug Muki instead of me. I then went and slung an arm around Rūshī smiling at mt temporary victory.

~Time skip of 4 months~

I took a deep breathe then I looked around the corner of the apartment block to spot the group of humans walking to our current location each with some weapon made of silver. This was our first mission and although we had become one of best junior groups I was still a bit overly careful. The leader of the humans seemed to be slightly hesitant, which didn't surprise me since they only had a group of 4. I looked at Muki and told her a few options on what to we could do. She quickly ran them through and then chose one. We quickly put into action, I would act as bait while Muki attacked from behind. Jēmusu and Rūshī would attack from above. I knew they would probably figure it out since well it wasn't exactly rocket science.

I waited on top of an abandoned car that was rusting. I had given both my knives to Rūshī so he could throw them to me the second we engaged battle. I had forgotten just how slow humans were. After what seemed like an eternity the small group of humans finally arrived I smiled and did a little wave. I could see it in their eyes that they were very confused to why I was acting so weirdly. I smiled even wider when I saw that the one at the back, who was the youngest, seemed to recognize me from when I was human. He stumbled backwards clearly afraid of me. He looked about 20-21 I would say. He had dark blonde hair, light green eyes, and a fair complexion. He looked familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on it from where I had seen him. I was wondering when Muki and the others were gonna show up but I just assumed they would show up when needed. I was trying to figure out the guys name when I overheard what the guy said.

"That's her, I'm sure of it!" He whispered to the rest of his group, I only managed to catch since when I became a vampire my senses became much sharper.

"But she looks exactly the same, how is that possible?" Another said is disbelief.

"You don't think she's?" The one in front said.

"But the Jaeger's said she probably would. They would know her best, she had been shown to hate humans." The one in the back said. But at the mention of 'Jaeger' my smile differed. How would they know my surname? We weren't very important when the war wasn't going on. But maybe they had risen to power in the army ranks, we always had been a very tall and strong family. But hey maybe there are two Yeager families. There must be some logical explanation.

Once again the human group tried to get closer but this time they were much more cautious. Behind them on the roof tops I could see movement.

"Night Night humans." I said as I caught the knives and then threw them at the on in the back.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in forever! Anyways here's a slightly longer chapter hope you enjoy! Oh yeah thanks for reading my other story!

Word count: 1086-114


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