Chapter 10

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The next morning Joe wakes up looks over at the other bed to see Colby still asleep.Joe gets out of bed to see Jon standing on the couch.Joe walks over and sits down.Jon looks over to see that it's Joe that sat on the couch.

"Good morning.''Joe says.

"Yeah I guess.''Jon says.

"You ok?''Joe asks.

"Not really I don't sleep last night.''Jon says.

"Does it have to do with Aria?''Joe asks.

"Yes.''Jon says.

"Ok.''Joe says.

"Remember last night at the arena when I went for a walk?''Jon said.

"Yeah.''Joe said.

"Well I saw Aria walking down the hall toward me and her arm was in a sling.''Jon says.

"It she ok?''Joe asks.

"Don't know.''Jon says.

Joe looks at him.Jon tells Joe what happened.

"What did Aria say when she looked up at you?''Joe asks.

"Why do you care Jon.Then she walked off.''Jon says.

"I know you care for her Jon.''Joe says.

"Yeah,but I hurt her bad for saying what I said and it breaks my heart that I hurt her.''Jon says.

"I know.Jon now you have Hayden to think about.''Joe says.

"I know.Do you think Aria has told Hayden that I'm her dad yet?''Jon said.

"I don't know.If Aria hasn't told her, would you want to be there when she does?''Joe said.

"Yeah if Aria wouldn't care.''Jon says.

"You need to talk to Aria.''Joe says.

"I know.''Jon says.

"You know what?''Colby asks sitting in a chair.

Jon and Joe tells him what they where talking about.

Aria is in her hotel room checking to make sure she has packed everything in her bags and she has everything ready.Aria looks to see it's only 8am,so she grabs her phone,key card,and credit card.Aria put them in her coat pocket and walks out of her hotel room.It's to cold for her to walk to Starbucks,so she turns around to bump into someone and goes to fall,but the person catches her.

"I'm so sorry.''The person said.

The person looks to see Aria.
 "It's fine.''Aria says as she looks to see Jon.

Aria turns to walks off to go to Starbucks.Aria gets to Starbucks goes in to order her a hot chocolate and sits at a table. Aria is sitting and thinking when her phone rings.Aria talks to the person and then hangs up.Aria looks around to see Jon standing in line and turns to look out the window.After Jon gets his order and turns to see Aria sitting at a table.Jon walks over to where Aria is sitting at.

"Can I sit with you?''Jon asks.

Aria looks to see Jon standing there.

"Sure.''Aria says and looks back out the window.

Jon sits down and Aria looks at him.

"What?''Aria asks.

"How is Hayden?''Jon asks.

Someone had walked up.

"Who is Hayden?''The person said with a pissed off voice.

Aria and Jon looks to see Summer Rae standing there.Aria stands up and looks at Summer.

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