bellarke short story

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Where the hell was she?! Bellamy pushed through the crowd. One minute, she'd been tending to Spacewalker when he got called away to defuse a fight and when he'd returned, Clarke had disappeared. According to their new arrival, she'd bailed as soon as the radio started to pick up her mother on the coms. The one time he might need Clarke focused on the Ark and she's not cooperative. Figures.

Sick of looking, he grabs a nearby arm. Some skittish kid. "Did Clarke come through here?"

The kid gulps, clearly not happy to be faced with an angry Bellamy Blake. "Yeah." He points to a nearby storage room. "She went in there."

Bellamy gives him a curt nod and stalks over to the door. Before he can hit the control though, he hears it. When she was little, Octavia would cry a lot especially when she was forced to sleep under floor. Their mother couldn't risk a visitor in the night & not having time to get her hidden. He'd spent far too many nights trying to sleep on the floor, listening to his sister sniffle and sob to mistake the sound. Bellamy hesitated.

He knew that a part of him should be glad. The princess is human after all. But, between the thunder from outside and the shuffle of the crowd in the drop-ship, he heard Clarke falling apart for the first time since hitting dirt and Bellamy could not bring himself to open that door.

Bellamy knew she and the Spacewalker were close but if Wells' death didn't deserve a breakdown, then Finn dying of a stab wound didn't either. He leaned against the wall next to the door, assessing the room. Usually when someone upset Clarke, there were two reactions. One, regretful and shifty. Because sometimes dealing with a disappointed or angry Clarke was like facing your mother after she found out that you'd given your locked-in-a-small-confined-apartment-sister double candy rations. Two, pleased and standoffish. Those were usually his enforcers. Or him. And he was in the clear on this one.

However, looking around the room, at first he saw neither. The crowd parted for a moment, showing the 'radio station' that Raven had set up near the center of the room. Raven...huh, looked regretful and shifty.

Damn outsiders. His fisted clenched. They just needed some breathing room. A break. Endangering the group by threatening their healer was not acceptable. Bellamy huffed, knowing he had pissed Clarke off plenty. However, he'd also never made her cry. Because he wasn't an idiot. No one who'd survived Octavia's terrible-twos would believe that you could maintain any authority whatsoever while dealing with a crying overly innocent girl who couldn't stop asking 'why?' all the fucking time.

Speak of the devil, his sister made her way through the crowd. He took a breath. They hadn't really spoken since the screaming match at the gate. Which, judging by the number of wary gazes, everyone knew about. Damnit.

Octavia approached, pointedly looking around the crowd. Seeing him, she rushed up. "Where's Clarke? We need to check Finn-"

"Busy." He ground out, putting as much authority as possible into the word.

Of course, Octavia ignored the tone. Narrowing her eyes, she opened her mouth. Before she could get out a word, a sob echoed from behind him. Octavia paused, eyes travelling from him to the door and back several times. He could see the accusation in her eyes and no matter how badly they'd just fought, it stung.

In a quiet voice, he asked. "Can't it wait?" He shifted against the wall. "She'll be a while."

Octavia's eyes and face transformed. Bellamy rolled his eyes before he could stop himself. Sometimes, little sisters were such a pain in the ass. Now smirking, she whispered. "I'll handle it. Let me know when she's free."

Snorting, he responded. "She's never free." Octavia's grin widened yet more. He, trying to stop her from being annoying, added. "Weighed down by all that responsibility and self-righteousness."

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