Moving in!!!?!?

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--Zane's POV --

Ring ring the alarm clock went off and I woke up, i look over to my left to see if Travis was there but he wasn't, so I looked over to my right and there he was, getting dressed. All he had on was black pants, a dark brown belt, and some white socks. He was completely shifted into his demon form so all his normally pale skin was now a dark grey color. Might I remind you, he has no shirt on. "Travis? Would I be able to tell Y/N today?" I ask, he slips on a white shirt then a black and red flannel over top, leaving that unbuttoned.

"I'm not the one stoping you, your stoping yourself. If you love her, go for it, just remember if you hurt her, I hurt you." He said to me not turning to look at me, he picked up a hair brush and started to brush his sholder length, snow colored hair, he brushed it and put it up into a bun.

"O....ok, I'm going to tell he today," I say a little hesitant to say so, dang, he's really overprotective of Y/N, I can see why, but seriously!? I think to my self as I walk over to the door, i go to place my hand on the handle but before I do I can hear Travis call my name.

"Zane?" He says at first.

"Yeah?" I turn around to look at him, trying to be at least a little respectful.

"I was wondering if you wanted to move in, I know it's really sudden but we have had a few break ins in their place, and we can't really afford to lose much more. So I was wondering if you could,I don't know keep the place a little safer?" He asks me in a calm voice, he starts to shift out of his demon form, first the deep purple horns disappear, then the dark grey skin starts to fade back to its normal color, soon folowed by his eye color.

"Ya, I can do that. I don't really live by me self at the moment, I still live with my mom and dad, so it would be nice to not have to listen to them argue any more." I say giggling a little as I place my hand on the back of my neck. I turn and open the door and walk out. "Is it ok if I go and make pancakes in the kitchen?" I ask before I'm completely out of the door way.

"Ya, that's fine, do what ever you want." He said as he walked over to the bed and fixed the sheets back into place on the mattress.

-- your POV --

You get out of bed and smell pancakes being cooked in the kitchen, the alarm clock dident wake you up, wich is supisingly odd, it always does. Leaving that thought behind you walk over to your dresser and get out a black shirt, and slip that on, then you grab a F/C and black flannel and tie that around your waist.  You brush though your hair quickly and walkout the door I tot the hallway. You walk into the kitchen and see Zane making Pancakes.

"So your making breakfast?" You ask as you walk over to him and look at what he's doing.

"Ya, I have good news and them I also have..." He pauses, and you know it's going to be bad news, but what is it. "Bad news, which do you want first?" He asks you quite calmly as he flips one of the pancakes over.

"Good news." You reply in a happy tone, he looks at you and smiles, then looks back to the pancakes, flipping the rest over one by one.

"Well, your brother just asked me to move in, so I'm going to be living with you guys now." He says as he smiles even more, you hear foot steps from down the hall, and look be hind you to se a still very sleepy Travis.

"Did you tell her?" He asked as he looked at Zane. Zane just smiled and focused back on the pancakes.

"Really!?" You ask as you walk over to your brother, a light blush tinting your face. "Do you know I like him?" You ask quietly so Zane doesn't hear you.

"I do now, is it bad that he's moveing in?" He asks you with a puzzled expression plastered on his face.

"No it's not  bad thing, it's a really good thing." You say to your older brother as he pulls you into A tight hug.

"Do you want the bad news?" Zane turned around to ask you, "never mind, I'll tell you later." He says as he smiles at you and Travis.

"No it's ok, what's the bad news, Zane?" You ask as you attempt to wiggle out of your brothers grasp. You finally get your self free and walk over to Zane, who was starting to place the pancakes on plates and set the table.

"The bad news is that, I have more good news for you, but I'm telling you later."  He turns to look at you and smiles as he sees your a little upset.

"Awww, ok, I guess I have to wait." You say as you plop your self in the middle of the floor, and spread out your arms and legs, "Zane? Look I'm a starfish" you say as blankly as possible.

Zane looks down at you an giggles then walks back over to the pancakes and places the last one on the table, he gets silverware and napkins as well and sets that at each plate.

"Well your going to be pretty helpful to have around, I always end up burning them." Travis says as he walks over to the table and takes a seat. Zane walks over to you and lends you a hand up off of the floor, you blush a little, but follow him over to the table.

All three of you sit down and eat, talking a little bit In between bites, it's going to be nice haveing Zane around more.

-- Travis's POV --

I hope I made the right choice of telling Zane he can date her, I hope he treats her well.

Authors note


Hey guys, I know this chapter was a lot shorter than the last one, that's only because I'm having a really bad headache right now, but I wanted to get something up for you guys to read, I really appreciate the votes and comments it makes me want to give you guys more, and it really helps motivate me to try to do better. All in all thank you guys, I hope you all have a wonderful day, and I'll see you next chapter.

I'm going to go take a nap now, bye!


She's all I have left (Overpotective!Demon!Travis X sister!reader X Zane)Where stories live. Discover now