Meet the Orlandos|| Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Mackenzies POV

I zip up my Louis Vuitton suitcase and walk down the stairs with our plush carpeting. If you haven't figured it out yet my mom is rich, Mom? yeah no Dad he left us on my 5th birthday... some dad he was. 

"come on Mackenzie lets go, the Orlandos will be expecting you" My mom says with disappointment. 

"why do you seem mad, your the one sending me off to go stay with people I don't even know" I snarl at my mom. I hope she knows how much I don't want to go. 

"you were the one who-" I cut my mom off before she says it, I know what I did and honestly I wouldn't change it at all, this is my dads fault for leaving, my moms fault for not caring, and my sister(Maddie) for well going to college and leaving me alone.

As soon as I sat in the car I picked up my apple headphones and shoved them in, blasting music. My mom was about to say something but when she saw I had my headphones in she just looked back at the road, I don't care what she was going to say probably something about this is my summer to change, be different... its a little to late for that.

I wake up to my mom shaking me and telling me that were here. The first thing I see is the ocean, I see the waves crashing and flowing up to the shore then being swallowed by another wave, I stared at that for a while until out of the corner of my eye I see people coming out of the house right next to me that I hadn't even noticed. 

I get out of the car and my mom leads me to the front door where the family who I am assuming are the Orlandos are standing. 

"Mellisa its so good to see you, I wish you came and visited more" A lady who I soon figured out was Meredith said as she pulled my mom in for a hug.

"I know I did to but now you get my daughter for the whole summer" my mom said I swear I heard sarcasm in that statement but I brushed it off.

"Yes Mackenzie, wow I haven't seen you since you and John were babies" Meredith said while also wrapping me in a hug.

John who is John I thought while my mom was telling her when she will be back to pick me up and everything.

I looked around at the family there was a girl who looked a little younger then me she was just standing there looking at her and my mom talking she seemed shy but I didn't care its not like I am going to become friends with her or anything. Then there was a man, probably there dad who looked straight at me and said "John is at football practice he will be back shortly" I just nodded my head why would I care where "John" is I don't know him!!!!!

My mom soon left and Meredith told Lauren to show me around. She showed me around downstairs and then led me upstairs to show me where I was going to sleep. 

"This is my room and we will have to share because my dad and John like to keep the guest room for some man cave thing, boys are so weird" Lauren chuckled

For the first time in a while I smiled, maybe this girl is different then I thought. 

"ok I will show you Johns room he is 17 how old are you again" Lauren said while walking down the hall.

"im 16 but I am turning 17 in a month" I replied as I followed Lauren.

She opened the door and the first thing I see is this guy crawling through the window.

"John what are you doing" Lauren yelled.

He hadn't noticed our presence until Lauren screamed and then he fell of the windowsill onto the floor because we scared him.

"geez Lauren try and be a little quieter I had to sneak in because I was late" Johnny replied as he stood up.

" I think they realized you weren't here when I arrived, since you were the only one not standing outside" I said to Johnny and he looked over at me for the first time he seemed surprised, wow I didn't know I was that ugly.

"Oh umm well who are you" He said a little annoyed.

"well I'm Kenzie and I will be staying here with you guys the whole summer so you better get used to me" I smirked hinting to him that I got the annoyance in his statement earlier.

"yeah and next time be a little more polite John" Lauren added before she shut the door.

I finally let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding in, wait I didn't think Johnny was cute right... this summer is going to be worse than I thought.

{828 words}

A/N: this is my first story, chapter everything so I really hope you like it and I have never used wattled before so if I'm doing something wrong please tell me. Umm comment if you liked it and If I should continue.

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