Johnny would never do that||Chapter 9

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Kenzies POV

I wake up in the morning all sad and angry about Johnny and then I remember that I'm going on a date with Brandon today.

I hop out of bed almost instantly and rush over to wake up Lauren, I mean she was the one that dressed me all up yesterday, and thats when I met Brandon so I need to look just as good today.

"Laur, come on wake up, Laur" I say while shaking Lauren.

"What time is it" Lauren grumbles.

"time for you to do my makeup" I reply trying to drag her out of bed.

"wait I don't feel to good" Lauren says right before she throws up all over the floor.

Of course Johnny comes in being the good brother he is and he cleans it up and places her in the bathroom just in case she gets sick again, gosh he's really making It hard for me to hate him.

"thanks you can go now I have to do my makeup anyways so I'll stay in the bathroom with her" I tell Johnny leading him to the door.

"Ok if she gets sick again just holler, I will just be in my room" Johnny says, I nod and close the door.

"Lauren im so sorry, I should have just let you sleep" I tell Lauren as I walk into the bathroom with my makeup bag.

"Its ok here I will do your makeup I feel much better-" and then she throws up again.

"Its ok I can do it" I say while setting all my makeup down. I tried copying the look Lauren did on me last night but it did not turn out good.

"maybe you should just do what you normally do you always look great Kenz" Lauren states.

"but Brandon hasn't seen me like that he only saw me yesterday, its ok I can do this" I reply picking up the eyeshadow again.

"Kenz, Brandon will like you no matter what you look like"

After a minute of messing up the eyeshadow again I wipe it off and do my signature smoky eye.

"Go... have... fun" Lauren says before throwing up once again. 

"I will send Johnny up to take care of you" I reply and head downstairs, I tell Johnny, then I go outside and hop in Brandon's car.

Brandon looks at my eyes with all the black eyeshadow on and instantly I feel embarrassed I try to wipe some of it off but it doesn't do anything.

"So where are we going" I say trying to distract from my face.

"We're going to Elms Restaurant" Brandon replies turning onto a street.

"woah isn't that place like super expensive" I say shocked.

"No definitely not its one of the cheapest places I go" Brandon states.

"Oh maybe I'm thinking of the wrong place" I say while looking out the window.

A couple minutes later we arrive at a country club... defiantly the place I was thinking of.

Brandon hops out and hands his keys to someone, I also get out and walk up the stairs with him. When we get inside I instantly regret what I'm wearing, high top vans, ripped jeans, and a sweatshirt really go well in a country club.

We sit down at a table and I look through the menu, a salad here is $100. And Brandon said this is cheap!

"Umm I don't think I can get anything here" I say placing the menu down.

"What do you mean" Brandon asks not even looking up at me.

"Well everything so expensive" I reply tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Oh my dad is one of the clubs sponsors you can get anything you want it will just charge to him" Brandon says.

I pick up the menu and decide on just getting the salad, Its the cheapest thing.

I look up and Brandon's snapping his fingers in the air. 

"umm what are you doing" I ask chuckling.

"trying to get the stupid waitresses attention" Brandon scoffs.

My smile fades away and I look down at the table.

Soon enough the waitress comes over "is there anything I can you guys with"

"Yeah how about taking our order... today" Brandon rolls his eyes.

I look up at the waitress trying to show that I'm sorry without actually saying anything.

"Oh yes what would you guys like" She asks while her eyes droop down.

After we order she leaves "hey that was a little rude" I say to Brandon.

"well she doesn't get paid for nothing" Brandon replies.

I scoff and lean back in my chair. Brandon starts talking to me about his trip to Greece and how it was awful, how can going to Greece be awful.

The waitress comes back with the drinks we ordered and tries to place them down but Brandon pushes into her and the drinks go flying.

"Hey how about you watch what your doing, you are so going to get fired, and don't even think Im giving you a tip" Brandon yells at the waitress.

"I'm so sorry Mr.Rowland it was an accident" She stammers.

"don't make accidents" He replies.

"You know what your a jerk I'm going to go home, see you... never" I say while leaving the restaurant. 

As soon as I step outside I realize that I don't have a way of getting home, I can't walk its to far plus I would have to walk on the highway and I don't think thats such a great idea. I take out my phone and call the last person I want to see, well second to last Brandon is definitely first.

About 15 minutes later his car pulls up and Johnny steps outside, he walks over to me and tries to ask what happened but I just walk to the car and mumble a thanks for coming.

The whole ride back was silent until we got into the drive way.

"did Brandon do something I swear I can go-" Johnny starts saying.

"No he didn't do anything to me, he's just a big jerk" I say and walk inside.

I go upstairs and see that Lauren is passed out on the bathroom floor I help her to her bed before I plop down in my own. 

I start thinking about how awful Brandon was and then I think... Johnny would never do that.

{1016 words}

This was a pretty long chapter hopefully it makes up for my like 3 month disappearance. Nothing against the real Brandon. And eeek maybe jenzies happening again. On a separate note y'all should go watch the maze runner because Dylan O'brien is the best person ever!

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