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Just got home from the skate park. Gosh I think I’m losing my game… I can’t even make it through a half pipe without toppling like a Jenga tower. The guys say it’s because I’m in love. Puh-lease, what do they know about love? THEY’RE GUYS! Besides, I don’t have the tiniest idea of what falling in love is like… How would I know the difference? I have five brothers, seven guy cousins, a whole skate board groupie of guys and a guy best friend… How do girls even find anything to like in guys? All I know is that they’re stinky, they hate baths, food is everything to them and you’ll never be an ideal girl until your address is Playboy Mansion. Their hopeless. Come to think of it, being “one of the boys”, I’m hopeless too! Haha. xD


I have never ever been beaten at lunchtime chess before… No. Not until this afternoon. Something’s making my thoughts fuzzy. It’s weird because I was up against a freshman! Seriously, you can NEVER regain your pride if you’re a senior chess player beaten by a freshman! The guys keep asking me if anyone’s been taking my fancy, but unless they include the black queen chess piece, girls aren’t really a point of interest to me. I never even cared of their existence until I remembered my best friend was ACTUALLY a girl. Ah, it isn’t hard to forget Emma’s actual gender considering her boyish-ness. 


Ok, this has gone totally overboard. It’s not just boarding anymore,  can’t even walk straight. My knees feel like jelly every time I walk. Urgh. I don’t understand! I’m thinking it’s Alex, my dorky best friend. It’s… Well, it’s been different. When I see him, my face begins to feel hot and my hands start to shake. I’ve dropped my board on his feet twice in just 1 hour. I’ve acted like a total dork in front of him for the past few days–stammering, staring, screaming randomly… Yeah, it’s weird. But I do know 1 thing. IAMNOTINLOVE.


I’ve been having dreams… they remind me of Wizard’s chess on Harry Potter. I was a knight and I was busy defending a queen with sandy blonde hair, freckles and pale skin and instead of a crown, she wore a baseball cap… Yes… It was Emma. I dunno why! THIS IS NOT ADORATION IN ANY WAY! Emma doesn’t look a tiny bit like my ideal girl. I’m not sure if I even have one but if I did, I’m sure it wouldn’t be my tomboyish best friend. But it seemed so real. She wasn’t in her usual boyish gait. She seemed helpless and quiet compared to her noisy and outgoing real-life persona. It’s hard to understand but I know this isn’t love. If it is, (Where if is totally IMPROBABLE) she’s already in love with the skateboard and I’ve already got my CHESS board to stare at for the whole day. Girls got no space–Black queen’s got me caught in check.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2012 ⏰

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