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(a/n: el)

i wasn't going to publish this but i need y'all help deciding something.


Jaebum practically flew out of his house once he received a picture of the light blue one-story house that belonged to the one and only Choi Youngjae.

It's was as if time slowed down and he was never going fast enough. Every second spent sitting at a light or taking the same speed as another car was a second spent from saving Youngjae from whoever wanted to hurt him.

With every chance he got he sped over the speed limit, not caring if a police officer attempted to pull him over. Nothing was more important than his baby. Once he swerved into his drive way he ran out towards the door with the spare key the younger male gave to him.

Despite him behing outside of the door he could hear muffled screams and voice in the inside, giving him more incentive to get inside. Once he entered the house he blacked out.

Only small flashbacks came to him showing Mark underneath him with blood trickling down his face, Youngjae screaming as Jaebum fist reconnected with the intruders face, the police pulling him off of the male who was barely alive from the fierce blows to his cranium.

Before he knew it he found himself in a hospital with dry blood caked onto his knuckles. His foot tapped against the ground out of pure anger, knowing fully well Youngjae would be laying on the hospital bed in the first place.


The name ran through his brain like a snake slithering through grass as it creeped up to an innocent bystander before attacking, its teeth sinking in deep.

He was behind all of this with the twisted idea that he always get what he wants no matter what. His obsession with the younger male began after they broke up. He wanted to ruin Choi Youngjae, he wanted to be the one to shove the blade in and twisted it deeper until he cried out in pain. It wasn't enough to cheat on him with his best friend and invade his personal privacy. He wanted Youngjae to see his face in his worst nightmares, for him to regret ever breaking up with him.

He was arrested by the police and would be put on trial as soon as possible.

"You can go see him now.", The nurse barely finished his sentence before Jaebum ran into the room behind him. Youngjae laid on the hospital, his eyes hooded as he laid in the bed with a IV in his arm and a cast around his neck.

"Hi." His voice was raspy as he spoke, a small smile attempting to escape his lips. Right then Jaebum broke, looking at the boy he knew he desperately loved so broken. Slowly he walked up to the oynx haired boy, brushing the soft hair out of his face.

"Hi baby, how are you?" Jaebum asked with a sad smile on his face. Youngjae shruged slightly before speaking.

"I'm alive so I guess I'm ok." The statement itself made Jaebum chuckle, but inside he was angry yet depressed because he knew that Youngjae was only doing this so he wouldn't be worried. "The doc said I could probably come back in three days at the most."

Before Jaebum could day anything else the doctor walked in witha stressed out Jinyoung behind him. His eyes widen at the sight of Youngjae, his hands turning into fist out of pure anger.

"Hello Choi Youngjae. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked witha genuine smile despite the tired look in his eyes.

"I'm a bit sore around my throat but other than that I'm ok." The doctor nodded, writing down Youngjae's words on his paper.

"Well here's the game plan. Today you'll laid down, just to give you neck time to relax. Then tomorrow we'll sit you up with the cast on, after that we'll take the cast off to see how you're operating without it. If you're good then we'll give you your ticket home." Youngjae nodded softly and the doctor turned to leave.

"W-Wait, how's Mark?" The question shocked all of us, including the doctor.

"He's alive and well, most of his jaw was shattered from Mr.Im obliterating his face but other than that he's fine." Youngjae whispered out an “ok.” and the doctor left out of the room telling us that he'll come back later to check on him.

"Youngjae why do you even give one single fuck about that bastard? He tried to fucking kill you!" Jinyoung screech, his body oozing pure anguish and anger at the situation.

"Because no matter what he has done, none of those actions him from being human. He was hurt more than I was so naturally I'm concerned." Youngjae tried to reason with the elder but his response only fueled his anger.

"Do you not remember what he did to you? Did he choke the memory out of you so he could forget how fucking broken you were? How you wanted to so badly to end it all because that asshole with a face decided to  stick his dick in your ex-best friend ass?"

"I was there! I was the one who dated Mark not you! I was the one who heart fucking shattered into a billion pieces after I heard him arranging to fuck Jackson, not you, me! Don't stand their acting like you've been what I've been through, like you could come even close to the heartbreak I felt from that dick!" By the time Youngjae was finish he was drowning in his own salty tears, his fist clutching the thin white sheets to restrain himself from expressing his feelings with his body rather than words.

Instead of responding Jinyoung stormed out of the room, slamming the door close behind him. Jaebum sat in silence, not knowing who he should choose: the one he loves or his childhood best friend.

shit idk who you should choose either and im the fucking author.
sorry bummie.
help me out fam.

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