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This chapter was inspired by myatejeda031107 go check her out!
(Check out this song, it's amazing)
Word count: 642
After swimming, you and Eddie decided to take a walk around the park. Everywhere you walked, your fingers were intertwined with each other, perfectly like missing puzzle pieces.

Every time you talked, you would smile at each other, realising how much you love each other. How perfect you are for each other. You decide to get ice creams as you see a truck pass by. You both run after it, chasing it down the path. Finally you catch it up and order your ice cream, you had (I/C/F), and Eddie had mint.

As you sat on the swings you were deciding wether or not to bring up the question you'd been pondering about since the kiss at the rocks. You decide better now than never, sooner or later, you asked,
"So Eddie,"
"Yeah (Y/N)?" He replied,
"Are we a thing now, like a couple?"
He's silent for a second before saying,
"Do you want to be?" You think for a second before answering,
"So do I." And with that he smiles that sweet smile you love.
" I love you Eddie Kaspbrak." You say as you start to lean in.
" I love you too, (Y/N) (L/N)." He leans in as well. Just as you are about to kiss, so see it, you see him.

Your father.

You grab Eddies had and run. You don't know where but you just run. Eddie struggles to keep up but tries his best as he takes puffs from his inhaler. You turn around, seeing if he saw you. There he is, about 50 meters away. You run as fast as you can, but he starts running too. You hold back tears, trying to forget what he did.

You could hear them yelling again. You just sat in your room trying to block out the noise. He was drunk probably just came back from some random woman's house. You hear him slap your mother and her falling to the ground, you contemplate wether or not to go downstairs and help her, or to stay in the safety of your room. You hear him come up the stairs and you brace yourself as the door is knocked down. He came up to you took of his belt and started be beat you like he did every time. He then did something he had never done before. He went to Richie's room. You ran after before he could reach Richie's room and you tackled him to the ground. He then picked you up and slammed you against the wall. You fell down and heard Richie scream your name. Then your mother appeared and smashed a plate over your fathers head. She grabbed you and Richie, head to the car, and drove to Derry. That's how you got here.
End of Flashback

Ever since then he tried to hunt down you and Richie. You and Richie decided to never ever talk about that dark time unless absolutely necessary. Your mother had found a new husband but still neglected you and Richie.

You finally made it to Eddies house, you threw open the door and ran upstairs as fast as you could. Luckily Mrs. Kaspbrak wasn't home so when you got to Eddies room you sat on his bed and cried, broke down. He just sat there and hugged you as you explained everything. You both laid down in the bed in each other's arms until you both fell asleep, in each other comfort.

Hey guys!
Ik this one was emotional but the. Next ones will be much happier!
Also this one was REALLY long so sorry about that😂 But as always I hope you enjoyed and expect a chapter coming soon!

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