about me

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Hi! Hello! Welcome!
This page is just so you can get to know me as a cosplayer!

Name: Ash

Cosplay name: I have started to go by Dumpling Cat Cosplay, but have not yet been able to compete under that name. Maybe soon! Right now this is my cosplay profile picture. Though I currently don't have any accounts under it. Hopefully in the next year I will get this all sorted out. It's a long process.

How many years Cosplaying: this will be my fifth year making Cosplays, but my seventh year cosplaying

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How many years Cosplaying: this will be my fifth year making Cosplays, but my seventh year cosplaying

How it started: it started off as a way to dress as my favorite book characters at school then I started watching anime and going to conventions and realized this was a thing

Why I do it: I love being able to dress as characters I love and be able to express myself. As well as get my creative juices flowing!

My dream cosplay: I don't have a specific one I don't think, but one with armor and LED lights

Do I think Cosplay making is easy: hell no. It can be a lot of work depending what you are creating. But if you put effort into it and enjoy it, then it's all fun at the end!

Do I sew: yes!

Do I make props: yes!

Do I make armor: no! But hopefully soon!

Do I use LEDs or electronic things in Cosplays: not yet!

Do you like to use wigs or your own hair: wigs! I love wigs so much!

Cosplay making techniques I wish to learn: hand beading (learning it this year), armor making, wig making

I know this isn't a whole lot but I will add more as I get more ideas!

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