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  It's been 3 weeks since Colby and I have been on good terms again.  It was as if nothing happened, and that's how we wanted it to be.
  I stopped drinking every night, Colby was up and out of bed, Brennen and Colby were friends again, Alissa and Banks excepted Colby again, and Colby and I were back to our daily schedules of work.
  We seem to motivate ourselves even more than before.  We force that upon ourselves.  I guess it's because of that terrible period in our relationship, that we want to bring out the good instead of the worse of each other.
  We made a plan where I'd stay at Colby's place on Mondays and Tuesdays.  He'd stay at my house on Friday and Saturday.  Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday were our busy days...unless we wanted to procrastinate.
  Today was Thursday and I had just uploaded this weeks video called 'Vine 2.0?!'.  Why not join the conversation? 
  I heard a knock on my door and raised an eyebrow.
  "Come in?" I yelled from my kitchen.  I saw Colby walk through the door and put stuff down. "Hey babe.  What are you doing here?"
  "Hey.  I'm bored." He walked into the kitchen and gave me a kiss.  He pulled up a seat next to me and look at what I was up to.
  "Well nothing that fun to do here. Just work." I sighed.
"Well no duh. I was gonna ask if you wanted to do something. Like...explore?" He mentioned. I groaned at the though.
"Babe. I think it's cool that you go to those places and call demons and shit but...not me. I love Jesus." I chuckled the last part and played with the cross necklace Colby got me.
(A/N: I made Alice Christian bc I'm pretty sure Colby is. If your Atheist that's cool, pls don't get triggered, if your a different religion besides Christian that's cool too. I just thought them both being Christian would be more...convenient? Idk, tbh it doesn't even matter, you can change her beliefs if you want to. I honestly don't give two craps. Also I'm not mocking Christians in that dialogue, I'm a Christian myself.)
"No don't worry, I'm not making a scary video. I found this house along a shore line that's abandoned. I thought it would be cool if we checked it out." He shrugged.
"At this time?" I asked looking at my phone. It was only 8 but I still had work to do.
"I know but please? I packed a meal for us and everything." He begged. I sighed and closed my laptop.

"Here, put on this mask." Colby said before we entered the house.
"Zon't wanna get a disease bitch." I said in a dumb tone. Colby chuckled and rolled his eyes. Once we put the masks on we entered the house and look around. "Anything on this House? Murder, suicide, trap house?"
"One. Any abandoned building is used for selling drugs, sex, and other shit. Two. No murder, no suicide, nothing bad. This was just a hang out spot that was shut down." He said flashing a light on a walls.
"Looks like that didn't stop people from showing up." I mumbled, admiring the graffiti art. I loved tags. Sometimes I'd leave my own.
"I wish we had lights" I said. I followed Colby down into the basement and saw a generator. "Needs gas?"
"I have some in the car." He said patting it.

"Wind it." I said closing the tank on the generator. He pulled the string a couple of times until we heard it start up. One at a time we saw lights from the bottom floor to the top floor light up.
"Woah...it actually worked." He gasped.  I smiled and looked around.  Obviously the place didn't look brand new...but somehow it looked better.
  "Come on let's check upstairs!" I said in excitement.  I ran up the stairs, Colby behind me.  I looked around in awe. "It looks straight out of a video game."
  The room was covered in Graffiti and moss.  Walls were cracked, and windows were partially broken.
  "This is so cool." Colby said taking off his book bag. He pulled out two things spray paint and passed me one. I smiled and took it and started shaking it. He turned on the camera and started recording me.
"Where are we Alice?" He asked
"We are at an abandoned house by the shore. And we're currently about to tag this wall." I said. I turned back to the wall. I thought for a moment and wrote out 'Alice was here' on the wall.
"Seriously?" He sighed.
"Yeah! So if someone finds this video they know it's me." I chuckled.
I took the camera and recorded Colby. He sprayed 'C+A=Alby'.
"Aww babe." I said with a large grin. "I love it."
He closed the cans and moved out the way.
  I gave him the camera and took a couple of photos with my phone.  Satisfied I put my phone away and moved on.
  We walked onto the deck and saw the shore, sounds of the waves crashing filled the air.
  "This is beautiful." I smiled. "Why haven't we gone here before?"
  "I don't know.  It's not as famous as the other places.  But it does win for scenery." He said, intrigued by the sight.
  I smiled and sat on the deck and wrapped my arms around my legs, Colby doing the same.
  "Wanna eat?"

  "And then she said 'why haven't you turned it in?'." I explained.
  Colby was cracking up at my story about school. "And what did you say?"
  "I said 'Because I. Don't. Understand. Shit.'." I laughed.  I ate a strawberry and grinned at the sight of Colby laughing so hard.
  "And what did she say?!" He said, way to interested in the story.
  "She sent me to the office for cussing, she called my mom, and....I was grounded for a week." I shrugged.
  "Wow...what a bitch." He said quietly.  I bursted into a fit of laughter, laying on the floor holding my stomach.
  I calmed myself and held my now red face.  I relaxed at the sight of the stars and moon, the sound of the shore giving reassurance.  I felt Colby's head sink into my stomach and I smiled.  I combed his hair with my fingers, my hands getting used to the rhythm in a heartbeat.
  "You're amazing." He muttered.
  "I love you too." I said
  We zoned out, watching the stars while getting lost in thought.
  "Alice?  Would you ever marry me?  Even though I did what I did?" Colby asked.  I stopped what I was doing of a moment but then continued.
  "Yeah.  I'm sure I would.  For the same reason I'm dating you now.  I forgave you." I said softly.  I felt him nod.  He sat up and layed next me, so we were now face to face.  "Even though I'm a mess when I'm drunk...do you still love me the same?"
  "Yeah...it's just another project." He smiled.  I chuckled and held his face with my palm.  I planted a kiss on his lips and placed my head on his chest, cuddling with him. "You are working on me after all."

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