Chapter 1 ~ Wait what?

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I swing my hips slightly to the song playing on an endless loop through my head humming the lyrics to One Directions You & I. I set the cordless microphone down on the table leaning beside it to plug in the projector for the assembly on today

“You and I

 We don’t wanna be like them

 We can make it till the end

When nothing can come between

You and I

Not even the gods above

Can separate the two of us

No nothing can come between

You and I” 

I sang the chorus of the song absent minded, not even knowing I was doing it. Then I heard claps, and lots of them.  My head shot up to see the entire student body clapping, I gasped hearing it echo through the hall. Then I looked up

I had left the microphone on, right in front of me, while I was singing

Well shoot

I shot up and ran backstage placing my hands on my knees and breathing in and out, in and out

‘Calm down, you don’t even know how long they were there; you’re not that bad of a singer anyway’

I nodded accepting my pep talk standing up smiling

You are amazing

“Alayna” I looked up to see Mrs Rose the schools preforming arts teacher, and my personal favourite teacher standing five feet away

“Hey Miss” I said smiling, she was in her late twenty’s with long red hair and a pale completion, she always had her megawatt smile on her face even when dealing with some of the toughest students    

“I never knew you could sing like that” crap

“You heard that huh?” I gave her a tight smile bouncing on the balls of my feet ringing my hands together, if she heard it then what did the others hear

“Of course, it was beautiful, so perfect” she gushed clapping her hands in front of her face, I laughed awkwardly grinding my teeth together

“You were…Amazing! How come you did not audition for Camp Concert, we really need talent like you! Why don’t you come!” I touched my chin and looked to the ground casting a confused look at the black wood, where is my jaw, because im sure she just asked me to go to Camp Concert.

Camp Concert, this is a camp for the musically talented at North Lake, this camp is for the best and only for the best, hundreds of students audition, only fifteen get in. Usually they pick the same people from previous years until they graduate then pick more from the youngest year. But this year Mrs Rose is in charge, people from all types of musical genres got in one of them being my friend Max, a DJ.

“So will you?” I looked at her narrowing my eyes to see if she was lying, not that she had ever lied to me, her big blue eyes were hidden under her glasses but showed no sign that she was lying

“Go to Camp Concert?” I questioned just to make sure

“Of course, you could be the opening singer when we take over Federation Square, oh they would love you!” she grabbed my hands looking at me with her megawatt smile and large eyes glimmering with hope.

Should I? It would be amazing a good chance to go places, feed my wanderlust and it would be a lot of fun, something to get away.

“Okay” I breathed; she squealed and jumped on her feet clapping

“But, I will have to talk to my father” I reasoned, it didn’t stop her excitement she just nodded

“Oh you can sing the opening and some songs during the concert and you can close the concert, you are the best talent we have taken ever!” she paced backstage her red air falling after her, she suddenly turned to me

“Why didn’t you tell me you could sing, why are you not in my class” she questioned me narrowing her eyes, I shrugged

“I didn’t think I was good enough”


“You ready honey” Mrs Rose asked me she had a slight grip on my shoulders her eyes excited and nervous at the same time, I could hear people chatting waiting for the performance on Federation square.

Camp has been amazing; we have been away for three days, and still have another week left. We have been to Melbourne landmarks, a musical and visited a vocal coach who taught me so much about my voice and my vocal range; he had also helped me pick a few songs for my performance today, that I am about to preform, any second now.   

I feel sick there a few hundred waiting for us to preform, I know what you’re thinking,  it’s a school event why that many people, well we did take over Federation square and there is a large stage in the middle of it that would attract people’s attention, and some news stations.     

“I’m ready” I breathed, I took a step onto the stage my hands shaking I looked out at the people who were looking at me expectantly waiting for me to say something, but I decided to skip the awkward introduction last night , so the music for Mariah Carey’s Emotions started, and then I started singing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2014 ⏰

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