She Needs Me

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His phone vibrated on the coffee table.

Vector moved his eyes away from the moving blobs of the T.v to stare at his faced down apple phone in curiosity. The edges of the phone emitted light coming from the screen as it kept buzzing softly. Furrowing his brows together, he turned to glance at the clock on the wall.

"Who could that be at two in the morning...?" He thought as he finally picked up the phone and looked at the caller. Suddenly, Vector sat up on the couch and wrestled his trembling fingers in control to hit the call button before raising the device to his ear.

"Vanilla?" Vector sounded too excited, yet he tried to voice towards concern as to not get the girl scared and regret calling him. Vector was having a restless night as it is, he would love the company of talking to someone. Especially if that certain someone is a beautiful single mother with an adoring daughter.

"...Vector?" The tone of her voice immediately made his joy disappear and his concern to truly unravel after he heard her usually soft voice sound quiet and broken. As if she was crying.

"What's the matter?" He asked his tone of voice immediately shift towards real concern. "Vanilla, Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Its just..." Her voice cracked. Vector immediately stood up in search for his car keys when he heard her gentle sob right after.

"Vanilla..." Vector didn't know what to say, nor what he was doing when he began to walk towards the front door, keys jangling in his large hand while his phone was on the other pressed on his ear.

"I'm sorry..." She said hiccuping while he opened his car. "It's late, I shouldn't have disturbed you, Vector. I just didn't know who else too..." As she hiccuped one more time, Vector realized that she didn't know what she was doing either.

Vector pulled out of his driveway. "Vanilla, stay there." He said low and softly. "I'm coming." It was faint, but he swore he heard Vanilla sighing in relief after he announced he was on his way towards her.

"Okay." She breathed out.

Vector parked his Mercedes near the mailbox, and turned off the headlights. While he was driving, Vector's mind started to wonder to the worst possible scenarios that would ultimately result in Vanilla crying. Did something bad happen to Cream? His heart immediately raced with that thought planted his mind. Vector has been spending hours of his time with Vanilla and Cream that he already grew to care for them both.

He hoped for the best as he got out of the car and faced the tiny welcoming house that was inhabited by a beautiful mother and her only child. All the other houses in the neighborhood were dark and silent with their owners fast asleep inside.

Except for the house in front of him, having the porch lights on, and a petite woman sitting on a porch swing staring up at the stars and the crescent moon. Vanilla has been waiting outside for him this whole time. It made his heart flutter, and his stomach twist with nerves.

Vanilla didn't turn to acknowledge him until his loud footsteps echoed on the small cement pathway, slowly making his way towards her. As he got closer, Vector was now able to see her better. Even though it pained Vector see his Vanilla with her eyes red and puffy from crying, she was still as beautiful as ever.

Her hair was a gorgeously wavy caramel colored mess pulled back in a half up hairstyle. Her large brown eyes would put smooth chocolate to shame, and her personality was so sweet and kind, Vector thought it was too good to be true when he met her. She was perfect.

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