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Later that night, Ivy found herself wrapped up in a throw on her couch. A smile crossed her face when she thought about her time with Ender. It had been just a little over a week, but she already knew all that she needed to know. Maybe it was a little quick to realize it, but you didn't tell the heart how to feel.

"Someone is extremely happy-" Blair made her way in and slid her jacket off, "Have fun ice skating?"

"Had fun after ice skating--" Ivy mused as she sipped on the hot chocolate, "You're lucky I even came home tonight."

"Why did you?" Blair sat down beside of her friend and enjoyed the conversation. Anything to take the attention off of herself.

"He has somewhere to be early. I don't know, Blair. I guess coming home is a good thing. This is a bit sudden... typically not my style. I mean, it's too much, right?"

"Depends..." Blair shrugged, "How far did you go exactly?"

Ivy shook her head and felt her cheeks heat up. She wasn't one to discuss that type of thing, even with her very best friend. Not to mention, it was probably the first time she'd fallen for someone so quickly, "So, how was lunch with Nick? It's awful late," Ivy looked at her watch, "In Fact, it's past dinner time. That must have been some lunch-"

"Hey now, I had some work to do..." Blair shifted a bit uncomfortable.

"Work. Is that what you two call it?"

"Ivy..." Blair sighed at the thought of being with Nick like that. She could easily remember all of their first together and it broke her heart even more than she'd like to admit, "Honestly, I did. I had to go to the office. But lunch...."


"Lunch was... nice. Different, but nice. He was being thoughtful and sweet. Dare I say, considerate."

"He seems like a considerate guy," Ivy leaned up and laid her hand atop of her friends, "It's okay to feel something. Just because the two of you had different dreams doesn't mean you aren't meant. I mean, you're both back in Atlanta for a reason, right?"

"I'm not cut out to be a baseball wife. The travels and constant worry if you'll be uprooted," She frowned and glanced at the ground. A hint of guilt washed over her as she realized she was keeping Ivy from making the same type of decision for herself, "It's just a lot. Plus, who's to say that's even what he wants?"

"Girl, he wants it more than you realize. I can see it written on his face. He couldn't have cared less about the date that left him at the botanical gardens. He's obviously told Ender about you two- like you told me about him."

"Could you do it?" Blair met Ivy's gaze, "You know, the... baseball lifestyle? The constant fan interaction, the hateful comments, the long road trips, and late nights spent at the ballpark? I mean, could you just give up your career?"

Ivy thought for a long moment and chose her words carefully, "Actually-" A smile appeared on her face, "Yeah. I mean, I know it's farfetched and Ender obviously isn't a baseball player, but---" She paused, "Yeah. I mean, if you'd ask me a week ago, I would have laughed! But now..."

"I see," Blair grinned through her guilt but actually felt somewhat better. Maybe that would soften the blow. She wanted to tell Ivy, but it wasn't her place, "I wish I could say the same."

"Come on, Blair. He makes you happy. BE HAPPY!"

"Wasn't it me giving you this same speech a couple of weeks ago?" Blair laughed and draped her arm around Ivy. This was sort of a mess. But if she had to be in a mess, it was a good one to be in.

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