Chapter 10

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"Wait Daichi. What about your girlfriend?" Suga looked up at Daichi and Daichi smiled.
"I'll just break up with her. Nothing to worry about." Daichi said.
"How long has you been dating her?" Suga asked.
"She confessed to me yesterday and I thought why not. But to be honest I'm not really into girls." Daichi laughed.
"I don't understand."
"Let me explain. I accepted her confession because I actually wanted to see how you reacted."
Asahi was just looking at them. They had forgot that he was there. He smiled.
"Should I leave you two alone?" He asked and Suga and Daich looked at him.
"No you don't ha-" Suga was about to say something when Daichi interrupted.
"Can you just leave us for 5 minutes?"
He asked and Asahi nodded. When Asahi had left them alone, Daichi took Suga's hand and smiled. Suga looked into his eyes and smiled too.
Then Daichi leaned forward and pressed his lips against Suga's.

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