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"There is no fucking way that I am going that party!" I tried to run away from Nicolas's mascular arms. "Skyler you can't be a nerd for whole your life. C'mon have some fun." I rolled my eyes.

"First I am not a nerd" Okay maybe I am but only I can say that to myself. "Second what am I going to do alone there?" He stared at me. I stared back to him. " So third?" I sat down the chair. " There is no third." He laughed.

"First, you will not be alone I will be there too." He said. "Second you need a guy, Oh My God!" I shaked my head. "No you will be with your hot popular friends there and I don't need a guy." And I stood up.

"Why even are we friends Nicolas? Why are you friend with a nerd?" He rolled his eyes again. "Okay, why get so offended? I am telling the truth. You know that." I didn't say anything.

"Are you scared or what?" He asked. " Scared of what?" I asked. "I don't know I am asking to you." I frowned. "I don't scared of anything." He raised his eyebrows. "Cool, then you are coming." I was about to say something but Jane cut me off.

"Shut up Skyler, you are coming." Oh my God what's their deal? "Fine!" I yelled. I don't understand. What will happen when I go there too. I was planning to watch my favorite tv show while eating ice cream.

When the bell rings we all went to our own classes.
All day was pretty boring

Well I wished I would not say that because continue of the day was so far from boring. But how am I supposed to know that? Well If I could know that.. I would not go that party.

Hell no.


When my phone vibrated I opened the message unwillingly.

WHO: bff

Wear something fancy!

I rolled my eyes and put the phone back. I kept lying down the bed. It vibrated again.

WHO: bff

Ik you are still lying down. Get ur cute ass up


I stood up and went to my closet. I have not go to a party yet. I did not even know whose party is it. What should I wear? Skirt? Pants? Dress? I am so confused right now.

I took my phone and called Jane. "Yo! What's up!" I look the blue oversized dress. Nah. "I don't know what to wear." She sighed. "Do you have any nice dresses?" I stared at my closet. That blue dress is the only dress I have. I mean it is ugly but who am I trying to impressing?

"You know what? Nevermind, doesn't matter." I said "Don't wear anything stup-" I hang on her because I knew that she was not gonna stop talking. For a moment I think I got really excited but there is a fact them I am a nerd. I can't change.

At least that was what I thought at that moment.


I was ready. I had a ponytail. My blue dress. White converse. Yeah that's me. I got out of the home and started to walk to Jane's house. We planned that first meet in her house then go to the party together.

When we meet honestly she was pretty good looking. "Damn Jane. Look at my best friend!" She laughed. "I know right?!" Then she really looked at me and frowned. "Seriously Skyler?" I shrugged. "Oh my God! You are killing me." I smiled her as annoying.

"Nicolas will pick us." She said while putting more make up on. "Alright, cool." I said and sat down to the bed to wait him. I still can't believe that I am going.

When Nicolas came he texted us and we got out of the house. He came with a really lux car that his. He is one of those kids that really popular hot and rich. But he was not really like that. You can understand by how he is hanging out with Jane and me.

When we came to the house that party is going on I felt really excited. The music was so loud so I had to yell Jane and Nicolas to make them hear me even they are next to me and we are not even in the house.

We started to walk into that fancy party house.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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