Ready For It

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Mathlete Kyoya × Athlete Reader

Coach went over a few more plays with us before we went to play against the other team. When we stepped out there wasn't even a team, "Where's our competition?" I asked looked around ignoring the nerds in front of us. My coach looked over at me and motioned at the nerds, "Wait wait wait." I repeated waving my hands around. "How can that be our competition?"

"I agree," A guy with a black journal said as he adjusted his glasses. "It's pretty obvious that they can't compete with what we know." The other nerds nodded in response to his statement to their teacher. Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms, "We're not stupid, glasses." A smirk played on his face, "If your coach requires a seventy or above in class to play a game and your grades Miss. (L/n) are at a seventy even, then that explains a lot."

Scoffing I put my foot down, "Why are you looking at my grades stalker!?" In all honesty, I didn't care for school I only wanted to be able to show my athletic side. He chuckled, "Well with that said, would you please explain what is going on, Ma'am?" Their teacher began to explain how we would partner up with our opposing side for our grade for this semester.

If we didn't teach our partner to the best of our abilities, then points would be taken away from us. Causing us to fail the subject we succeed at which would lead our parents to make us explain how we didn't obey our teachers. Coach began to pair us up with the help of the other teacher. And what a suprise, I got the glasses kid, might as well try to help.

"How about I tutor you Tuesday's and Thrusdays?" Kyoya asked as he typed up stuff in his computer. I shook my head, "Why don't I take those days up with training? Since it takes awhile to learn things." He nodded, "Point taken."


"(Y/n), we've been going about this the wrong way..." Kyoya said on the fifth week of our study session. "I barely realized that too." I tapped my chin in thought. We both paced the room thinking about how our instructors played a dirty trick on us. "What are we going to do know?"

He got closer to me and began to give a whole game plan. I nodded and went to tell my team mates while he did the same with his group.


"Let the games begin." Coach announced on the day we would shoe everything we learned and taught each other. I showed Kyoya the diagram of how far he had to get the soccer ball to reach the goal and what angle. Lucky we both learned a lot. Our teams were mixed, but they positioned themselves in the right formations. The whistle was blown and everyone ran in their own ways.

Moments later we ended in a tie. Coach only dismissed it because we had taken too long on playing soccer. Each activity we did ended up in a tie, "You think it's going to work, captain?" One of my teammates asked panting as they took a swing of water. I nodded, "They should break any moment."

"Ok guys- Time out." Coach finally ordered. "Cut the act. The games are over. I guess you all pass?"

The Mathematics teacher rolled her eyes playully at him, "Congratulations on your sportsmanship to you all. And, you athletes, I can't wait to see your improvement in math. You're all dismissed."

Everyone filed out leaving Kyoya and I outside. I smiled, "Thanks for the help, I own you one." A smirked formed one his face. "A date on Saturday will be scheduled then." He said with a smug look. "Are you ready for it, my dear?" I blinked in confusion as he kissed my forehead then headed inside the school.

What the hell?

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