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After your little fun with Jumin, you took a shower and changed into clothes Jumin's assistant picked out for you.

"I'm about to leave Jumin. If you're not busy come by the photoshoot" You say while putting on your other earring.

Jumin hugged you from behind and kissed your cheek. "I might but there's too much to do. So.."

Jumin turned you around and handed you something. "If I don't make it out on time just go to my house and wait for me"

You took the keys and put it in you purse. "I gotta go Jumin" You kissed him then left out of his office.

You noticed you were getting stares from the people in the office. You shrugged it off and continued to leave out the building.

After a while you got to the photoshoot.

You got changed into the first set of clothes for the shoot. After the makeup girl was finished she left leaving you alone.

You looked in the mirror thinking to yourself how much you love your job.

There was a knock on the door which broke your trance. "Come in"

"We're ready for you Ms. (Y/N)"

You took a breath in and out then smiled. "I'll be right out" you then followed the girl out to set and be began the shoot.

You were in your zone. You didn't even notice Jumin came to see you. Every time the lights and cameras faced you the whole world just disappears.

"Alright (Y/N) go ahead and change into your next outfit"

You snapped out of your zone and looked over to see your crush/ work partner. You heart thumps against your chest really hard that you had to make sure you were okay.


You snapped out of it again. "Hm?"

"We're starting back up in a few. Please go get changed into the next outfit" you heard Jumin snicker a little which made you blush. So you rushed back into your dressing room to calm yourself down.

"That was a little show I would say"

I turned around to see Jumin in his sexy black slim suit that fitted him just right. You began to get dirty minded thoughts in your head.

With each step he got closer to you. And with each step it made you lose your breath.

Soon he was right in front of you looking down with those seductive eyes. He lifted you chin up softly. He got close to your lips that you two would kiss. Yet he stopped and whispered.

"I can already see it in your eyes. I have you under my control"

You knew he was right be you didn't want to fall to his power and seem weak. So you played the game back with him.

"I fuss you didn't hear me last time. I'm never going to fall to you Jumin. Not even for a second" you whisper in his ear.

Next thing you knew Jumin turned you around and bent you over. "No talking back, do you understand?"

You bit you lip and looked back a little. "Yes daddy" You then felt a stinging on you ass from Jumin slapping it once.

There was a knock at the door.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "I'll be right out" you heard footsteps walk away.

Jumin let go of you then force a kiss on your soft lips.

Each and every time Jumin kisses you. Everything just melts in an instant.

You broke the kiss then smiled. "I'll see you after work mister. Now go outside I have to change"

"Let me take you out later after work" Jumin pulls you close and rubs his hand on your thigh.

You cracked a smile. "You are very touchy today" You then moved his hands to your waist. "But I am willing to go out with you tonight. But I feeling for a club tonight"

"A club?" He says confused.

"You've never been to a club before?" You day even more confused. "Do you mean a country club?" You snicker a little.

"You need to loosen up Jumin. I'll take you to one tonight." You kiss his lips before leaving.

You wonder to your self. I gotta get this man to party more.

Fortunes (Jumin Han x reader) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora