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(The Lost in Hell)

Chapter 1

There I was laying on cold floor in complete darkness. I hear a screech, the sound of a door opening, as I gaze to my right. A bright light that pierces through the opening of the door, I see a little girl. As I take a closer look at her a bright smile with tears flowing from her eyes the expression on her face is that of happiness from someone whose waited for long time for a loved one to wake from a coma. I have no idea how to respond because I have no memories, let alone that of her.

As she stands there smiling at me, I feel from the bottom of my heart a smile emerges on my face not in response to her smile but from the feeling that I'm not alone. She runs to me and jumps on me squeezing me tightly as I lay on the cold floor. Pain rushes my entire body as I realize I can't move a muscle let alone get up. As I struggle to get up, she tells me to relax and remain calm. Staying on the cold floor I get the feeling she been through this already. She pours water into my mouth and I fall asleep once again.

When I wake I have gained some strength to sit up. I take a look around at my surroundings. Looks like I was dragged into this room. It looks like a research facility. It seems I was dragged into this room in a hurry in order to protect me. It was completely destroyed with nothing around. The place was falling apart. It looked like it's been that way for a long time years maybe decades. Through the window I see a pitch black sky covered in dark clouds like those found before a volcanic eruption raining down ash from the sky. She enters the room with smile on her face happy to see me up. I ask her "what is this place?"

She replies "I don't know." I ask her "where are we?" she replies "I don't know"

I ask her "who are you" with tears in her eyes looking towards the ground with a sorrowful expression she replies "I don't know"

The feeling I get is that she's just like me. The only difference is that when she woke with no memory there was nobody around. She was all alone in this hell until she found me. Taking a closer at her look she was wearing nothing but a piece of cloth, from the tear marks looks like I had the rest on me. She had a lot of scraps, bruises and what looked like bite marks from wild animals. I only had a bite mark on my leg aside from the scratches on my back. Just how long did this little girl survive alone and how long was she protecting me? I placed my hand on her head and said "It's going to be OK"

She looked at me with eyes wide open and I smiled her at her. I could see calmness and joy overtake her as she smiled back while wiping the tears from her eyes. Those words alone were her salvation and gave her courage.

She gave me a half rotten apple with a rumbling stomach. I could tell she hadn't eaten for a while. I split it in two and gave her the better half. As she took it from my hands she thanked me. I felt my heart being crushed. Once I had enough strength to walk we went outside. I went to highest place I could find. What I saw could only be described as HELL.

For miles on end all I see was black craters with nothing except for building we were in and that too was buried beneath so much of rubble that from the surface you'll never be able to find it. No sign of any life what so ever. As we walked on I found a stream of dirty water and saw inedible rotten apples. This is nothing but a barren waste land. The air is choking with ash and particles that looked like crystal dust. In the distance we saw the dust moving towards us. She grabbed my arm while trembling in fear, she was also holding the bite marks on her arms.

All that came to mind is that I need to protect her. We ran until we reached the end of a cliff.

At the bottom of the cliff was raging rapids. As these creatures that looked like goblins raced towards us I noticed a crevice in the side of the cliff, but was only big enough for her to fit in. She was in so much fear she could barely move. And I had no doubt that they were going to find her if I stayed there. 

I told her "No matter what happens we meet will again in that room I promise." 

I ran from the crevice until I was a safe distance from it and made certain that the goblins chased after me. They surrounded  and slowly came closer towards me. They were small in size and few in number. I made certain that they were the only ones in the area and she was now safe. I managed to grab them all and jumped off the cliff into the rapids.

to be continued...

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