Chapter 2

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Raise Up

Staring at an unknown ceiling, my head on a soft pillow and covered with a warm blanket I am greeted by a family of kindness. Two young women and little boy call me to their eating table for a warm meal. This warmth that surrounds me feels like a dream. I begins to collect my thoughts and try to recall as to how I ended up here.

My heart tightens as I remember her face, my little guardian angel that watched over me before I woke to this world. I remember now... I jumped off the cliff taking the three goblins with me. The rapids of the rivers carried us off down towards a steep waterfall. The goblins perished as we hit the bottom. Their bodies turned to ash and crystals emerged from within them. The river carried me further down stream. I don't how far it was until I finally managed to get out the river. As I crawled along the bank I managed to find a tree and fell asleep beneath it. 

That's as far as I can remember. I joined them for the meal and they introduced themselves  

"My name is Claire, I am the eldest and this is my sister Akane, she is 14 years old and that is my son Kazuto, he is 5 years old."

"What your name?" The name Yusuke come to mind, I don't know if its mine or if it belongs to somebody else.

"Where are you from Yusuke?"

"I don't know" 

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry .... I have absolutely no memories"

".... we found you lying at the river .... Would you like to stay here until regain your memory?"

"I wouldn't want to cause you any more trouble, especially since you have been so kind to me"

Akane said that when she found me I was covered in wounds and bruises, so she healed me. I asked what she meant by that. Because I have no memories Claire explained to me. Many years ago there was a meteor shower and from these meteors creatures made of crystal emerged. They drained the life energy of all living things that they touched. More than half the planet was destroyed before humans were able to fight back.

Humans were able to analyze these crystal creatures and discovered that they were a parasite life form. They merged human DNA with the parasites and humans then gained the ability to control the elements. Fire, water, air, earth and some people gained other abilities that could be learnt and taught, Akane learnt a healing technique. I asked her if she would teach me this skill and thus I took my first step towards my goal.

As days passed on I helped out on the farm. One evening the farm was attacked by goblins, Claire told me to take Kazuto upstairs and hide. I thought to myself how am going to protect her if I can't protect myself. Claire told me women are stronger than men and I should do as she says. I had no idea what she meant by that.

I told her "If I don't raise up here and now I won't be able to move forward."        

She reluctantly gave a sword. We went outside leaving Kazuto to hide in the house. We confirmed that there we only ten goblins on the farm. As soon as they noticed us they charged towards us.                      

When I swung my sword for the first time it felt like I was playing a RPG

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When I swung my sword for the first time it felt like I was playing a RPG. I sliced through the goblin like a hot knife through butter. Instinctively I was able grasp my combat abilities. Two goblins attacked at once I dodged the one while striking the other with a follow through strike on the other taking them out instantly. With each swing and goblin I defeated I gained confidence and courage. Claire and Akane were fighting the others behind me as I struck down last goblin. 

Claire defeated four while Akane defeated two and I defeated four. Claire and Akane were both surprised and impressed with the way I fought saying it was the first time they saw a man fight like that. Once again I was confused by what they said. Akane begin collecting the crystals that were left behind by the goblins and I asked her what she was going to do with them. She explained that the crystal contains energy within them that can be used in various ways. For example increasing the effectiveness of healing her skill. Claire had the ability to control the air. Using the crystal can make enhance her control of her element as well as controlling more than just one element. The better the quality of the crystal is  the greater its effect is.  

They said attacks like this don't happen too often but are not uncommon. Living here close to the border of the wasteland where these creatures of darkness thrive. Further into the wasteland are monsters far more numerous, stronger, powerful and dangerous. 

Finally I can begin my search for her. I asked them for a map and any information they had of the area. I told them that I need to search for someone important to me, they were unable to help me with that but showed me to the nearest city and said going there would be far more beneficial to me. I thanked them for their hospitality and went on my way. As I walked away I swore to myself that I would come back and return the kindness they gave me.

to be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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