life lessons

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I know this is a photography book, but most of this ones gonna be text because the photos r shit

I know this is a photography book, but most of this ones gonna be text because the photos r shit

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// EDIT: So upon reading the chapter I've noticed the photos are unreadable, grrr, so I'm gonna type out what it says!

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// EDIT: So upon reading the chapter I've noticed the photos are unreadable, grrr, so I'm gonna type out what it says!

You know, I've always hated how hard it is to make new friends. Well I guess not the 'making friends' part, but more the meeting new people.

I mean, there are dating apps and stuff, right? But that's not the kinda thing I'm talking about.

If you think about it, most of the friends you make are people you just met by chance, like you had a class together, or you met them through another friend.

Or maybe they were wearing a shirt with your favourite brand on it, so you decided to talk to them. Things like that. But isn't that kind of... Inefficient?

It feels like your picking at complete random, and if you get lucky you make a new friend. And comparing that to the hundreds of strangers you walk by every single day.

You could be sitting next to someone who your compatible enough to be your best friend for life. But you'll never know. Once you get up and go on with your day, that opportunity is gone forever.

Isn't that just depressing?

We live in an age where technology connects us with the world, no matter where we are.

I really think we should be taking advantage of that to improve our every day social life. But who knows how long it'll take before something like that takes off...

I seriously thought it would happen by now...

Damn 20m of looking back n forth of screen shots n typing later, there ya have it

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