Chapter 4

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My first thought when I opened my eyes the next morning was, “I’m not coming back.” It hurt to think about. It hadn’t left my fitful sleep for one moment. I was either asleep or awake with nothing but nightmares, but it was always on my mind. It made a real sleep impossible. I stayed up all night, really taking in the fact that this was the last time I would ever sleep here or even be within the safety of my family’s protection. How many kids could say the same?

Well, besides Keenan of course. I wonder how he and his mom spent their last night together? Did they watch a cheerful movie like I did or have a tearful, meaningful parting chat? I had kinda hoped for just that with my family, but not everything goes according to plan, especially when as much went unspoken. Perhaps I should have made a greater effort. 

Drowsily, I sat up, my head spinning, and stood. I brushed my teeth and then my hair, pulling it carefully into a high ponytail and at last donned my outfit for the day. Olive green cargo shorts, a braided belt, and a loose striped tank top. I lined my eyes faintly with black eyeliner and a bit of eyeshadow before sparing one last look around the room and pulling my suitcase out into the hallway.

Everyone else seemed to be already awake downstairs, I could hear them chatting quietly in the kitchen. I closed my eyes and pretended like this wouldn't be my last moments spent with them ever. They all heard me clunk down the stairs with the suitcase so it wasn't a surprise to them when I appeared by the refrigerator. My mom looked a downright mess, her hair was tangled in a nest and she was wearing her grungiest pajamas when normally she was so put together, my dad didn't look much better. My sisters already had tears in their eyes.

A bowl of biscuits sat in the middle of the dining room table along with fresh strawberries, ten slices of bacon, and one fried egg on a blue porcelain plate. My favorite breakfast foods all in one sitting. I wanted to both strangle and hug my family. They didn't know it would make me so emotional, I told myself as I subtly wiped the back of my hand on my eyes to prevent the tears from spilling. "Wow, thank you, guys," I said nonchalantly.

They just smiled at me silently and I sat down without another word, trying not to look at anybody in particular. My sisters paused a moment and then rushed to sit down next to me. They were hungry as I was, no doubt but they were hesitating before I put a healthy amount on my plate. After about ten minutes of nothing but forks scraping on plates I decided it was time to step up and say something of meaning. "You guys really don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine."

My parents looked up and nodded sagely as if they really believed this. My sisters just stared down at their plates. "We'll send you packages, once we know the address," Mom said into her napkin. I just nodded.

"You're strong, and you're smart, Leah. There's no doubt in my mind no harm will come to you," Dad said staring at me with pride. I just smiled a little forced and then thanked him quietly. "Just stay on top of things and remember what you've always said about them. Don't let them boss you around." I assumed he was referring to the TV producers.

"I won't, Dad. Promise." He seemed to take comfort in that.

"Keenan's going too, then?" Jaimie asked almost meekly. I just stared at her vacantly, trying to re-track my thoughts as to what she was asking. Dad answered for me.

"Yes, he is."

She seemed to cheer up after hearing this latest development. "Well then, you'll be fine. Keenan will look out for you." For some reason this statement exasperated me.

"We're not exactly best friends," I reminded her tersely.

"He'll protect you," she repeated obliviously. I ignored that. Just then the doorbell rang. Everyone seemed to freeze in place. It can't be that time already. I didn't get to say anything of what I meant to. I could just read the panic in everyone's eyes. I was the first to move, pushing my chair back to walk to the door and open it.

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