[33] For or Against?

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Areum's POV-

October 20th; Monday

"AREUMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!," A loud, long yell of my name was heard from the hallways, and the source of that noise eventually burst into the classroom.  "Uh. . . Woojin?," I questioned, as a tired Jihoon ran up beside him, "What's with the shouting?"  "Nothing!," he chirped happily.  I gave him a strange look as the two just sat down at their desks.  I sighed and shook my head, "They're as weird and energetic as ever. . ."

- - - Le Time Skip - - -

"Hey, Areum," Jihoon walked into my classroom with a grin.  "What're you doing in here?," I asked, "Isn't your classroom on the other side of the building?. . . on the bottom floor instead of the top?. . ."  "You remember that?," his smile suddenly dropped for a moment.  "Well . . . yeah I guess. . . You'd always complain back when I'd eat with you guys every now and again to not start eating lunch until you got to the roof," I said, my mood dropping a bit too.  How do I remember all of this?. . . Then it again it hasn't been that long since I've stopped associating myself with them.  Jihoon's smile resumed and he spoke gently, "Speaking of eating lunch. . . do you want to join us?  Just Woojin and I."   "I already told Natty that-"  "Please?," Jihoon interrupted me, ". . . I- We-. . . we miss you, Areum, and we know that ignoring you hasn't been the right way to keep you away from all of our- . . . our problems. . .," he said everything while looking me in the eyes, "So please?  Will you please eat with us?"

I glanced at the clock behind him.  5 minutes of lunch already passed. . .  I sighed, "Go up to the roof.  I'll go ask Natty if I can eat with you guys."  Jihoon's eyes lit up for a brief moment, like a boy who had just received the best Christmas present ever, "You promise to come to the roof?"  "I'll try my best," I reasoned, "Natty can be quite clingy."  "Promise you'll try your hardest?," the winkboi held up a pinky.  I let out a small chuckle at his childishness and link my pinky with his, "I promise."

October 21st; Tuesday

"Morning, Areum," Woojin greeted like a normal person for once.  "Good Morning?," I questioned.  Again, why is he so weird today?. . .or. . .normal?   "Hey. . . thanks for eating with us yesterday," Woojin continued to speak, "Even if it was really quiet. . .and awkward. . ."  "It's okay. . .I think," I assured not even sure if it was okay since I was part of the reason why it was really awkward.  I doubt the two parks would be so awkward by themselves. . . 

"Do you want me to join you guys again?," I asked, "With Donghyun, Justin or Haknyeon and his buddies?  You know. . . to make it less uncomfortable?"  Woojin looked at me as if I was a ghost, "Are you joking???"  "No," I simply stated.  "So you actually want to join us two for lunch?," he clarified.  "Yes," I answered with a single word again.  "What about Minso?  And the girls from your dance team?"  "Look, if you don't want me to eat with you then-"  "No!," he shouted suddenly, stopping midsentence and also gaining the attention of most of the class, "Uh. . . you can eat with us. . . And we'll have Justin join us. . ."  "Cool," I hummed, "Talk to you later then?"  "Um- yeah. . . Talk to you later. . .," Woojin mumbled and walked away towards his desk to where Jihoon is sitting.

I sighed as I looked out of the window to school grounds below.  It's nice to finally talk to them again. . . even if it's still. . . well. . . awkward. . .

October 22nd; Wednesday

"Minso. . .," I trailed off, placing myself next to my friend as we sat outside for lunch today.  The Parks asked me to eat with them, but I decided against it 'cause I had questions about their behavior recently. . . So I decided to rant to Minso!  "Why are the Gardens suddenly wanting me to eat with them again?," I asked putting down my chopsticks.  "You mean 'Parks?,'" she questioned.  "Parks, Gardens- does it matter?"   ". . . Good point," Minso brushed off, "Any who. . . Maybe they just want to be friends with you again?  What happened between you three anyways?. . . and Justin. . . Donghyun Sunbae too. . ., Haknyeon- all of the boys you used to be friendly with?"  I sighed, "It's a long, complicated story. . ." 

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