Tsukiyama x Cloth

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Tsukiyama finished his meal as his maid wheeled the cart with the dirty dishes away to the kitchen. Tsukiyama stood up and walked to his room. Once he got in his room he silently locked the door with a little 'click'. Tsukiyama then went into his bathroom and locked the bathroom door. Tsukiyama reached in his suit pocket and pulled out a little plastic baggie. He then unzipped the bag and took out a cloth with a red stain on it. He stared at it for a moment or two then quickly pulled it up to his nose, shoving the cloth in his face so that only his eyes were showing. The pupils of his eye became very small, and had very blood shot eyes. His breathing became heavier and started squirming around.

"I love the smell of this cloth!" Tsukiyama said very erratically. 

Tsukiyama then became blind due to the stress he was putting on his eyes, and his sense of smell became stronger. (stereotypical blind people stereotypes).  He was then glad that he became blind. Even if that meant giving up ever seeing kaneki again, he had his cloth to fulfill his needs like the way that kaneki never could. He then came out of the bathroom and had fun times with his cloth in bed all night (Leave it up to ur imagination ;D).

~~Time skip 1 week~~

Tsukiyama went over to Anteiku and everyone was there including kaneki. 

"What happened to your eyes?" Kaneki asked Tsukiyama.

"I have now heightened my smell for my beloved cloth. you are no longer my dream kaneki, I came here to tell you that I will be leaving now."

"Wait- don't go! I- I love you!" Kaneki yelled ot to Tsukiyama while grabbing his shoulder.

"I don't anymore sweet kaneki, and that is the last time I will be calling you sweet. that name is now taken for my sweet cloth." Tsukiyama replied coldly.

Tsukiyama went outside and whistled (like you would to call a cab in New York City). His maid came riding up with a horse and carage. They then rode off into the sunset with Tsukiyama happy new life.

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