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Sohn was later than usual today. Kihyun didn't understand why. He was always punctual about these things, and despite the fact that he despises the man, the cruel irony is that was all the conversation he ever got to have. No matter how brief and rude it usually was.

The door opened exactly seven minutes and twenty-three seconds late.

This time, he turned his head to glower at the man, who promptly took a seat on the single plastic chair that he always sat in, clipboard in hand, scribbling.

"How are you feeling?" Again, the boring customary questions. Kihyun rolled his eyes.

"Like a broken condom- how do you think I feel, Sohn?"

The other didn't even flinch at his words. He was used to Kihyun by now.

"Do explain what a broken condom feels like, Yoo." Sohn continued, looking up to look at a frustrated Yoo Kihyun. For some reason Sohn had a hint of a smile hidden in his eyes in their ever so slight tilt. Kihyun didn't know how he noticed it but he did.

"Used, worthless and trashy. How do you think one feels like? Wouldn't help being a virgin and all, doesn't it?" This elicited a deep sigh from Sohn. It was better than no reaction at all, and this made Kihyun grin.

Sohn checked something off on his clipboard, and Kihyun narrowed his eyes. "Like you'd know anything about my sex life. Anyway, that's all for today. Enjoy yourself."

Sohn stood, leaving Kihyun whom was uselessly stuck to the solitary bed behind as he closed to door.

For a split second Kihyun had half a mind to call him back, instead of the visit getting cut short, but his pride held him back. No. Who even cares about the narcissistic doctor? He didn't.

He was mainly just annoyed, and even more so that he couldn't tell him to go suck a dick.

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