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siennasizzles: hey wazzaaa

siennasizzles: ? you're supposed to obnoxiously reply wazzaaaa back 

17fromtaipei: sorry i'm busy 

siennasizzles: well hello busy i'm sienna. 

siennasizzles: oh gosh what have i became to. 

17fromtaipei: so.. what's been happening so far?

siennasizzless: wym 

17fromtaipei: wym? 





17fromtaipei: ohhhh 

siennasizzles: so wym

17fromtaipei: how r u 

siennasizzles: gr8 

siennasizzles: school sucks tho

17fromtaipei: i'm barely at school .

siennasizzles: you're lucky  i hate the imbeciles i call classmates 

17fromtaipei: they hate you? 

siennasizzles: probably 

17fromtaipei: so you have no friend

siennasizzles: uhh i have yes friend! it's just common here to express hate for everyone at school 

17fromtaipei: oh 

siennasizzles: so.. guanlin how about you? 

17fromtaipei: me? 

siennasizzles: who else 

17fromtaipei: you. 

siennasizzles: oh dear. 

17fromtaipei: i am working hard, it's tiring. 

siennasizzles: oh well aw

siennasizzles: i was soft for that 

17fromtaipei: i don't know exactly but i understand 

siennasizzles: you're learning?

17fromtaipei: i think? 

siennasizzles: show me 

17fromtaipei: uhh

siennasizzles: ...

17fromtaipei: i am soft for my hyungs 

siennasizzles: ajdjswskjsa

+ ugh utter disgust but here ya go - rin

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