Chapter One

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I don't own any of these characters they belong to The Walking Dead.
                              Clem's pov
I was in the car with my dad Lee looking out the window at our new town Alexandria. "Clem, are you ready to start school next week?" He asked. "No, why'd we have to move?" I asked. "I got a new job as vice principal, I'm sorry Clem but you're going to make many new friends" he said.

We pulled into the new house and we started to unpack. I walked downstairs to get a glass of water when I heard the doorbell ring. "Can you get that Clem?" Dad asked. I opened the door to see a tall boy with long brown hair, a cowboy hat, and an eyepatch on his right eye holding a tray off cookies. "Hi, I'm Carl Grimes, your neighbor my stepmom told me to bring this to you" he said and handed me the cookies."Thank you, I'm Clementine Everett" I told him. "Welcome to Alexandria Clementine, what grade are you going into?" I'm going to be a junior how about you?" "I'm going to be a senior" he replied. "Five minutes in the new town and you already have a boyfriend Clem" Dad said and walked up. I was so embarrassed and Carl chuckled at it. "Daaad" I said in embarrassment. "Hi I'm Lee, Clementine's father" he said and stuck his hand out. Carl shook his hand,"Nice to meet you Mr. Everett, I'm Carl Grimes and my stepmom was wondering if you two would like to come over to our house for dinner tonight we live right next door" he said. "We'd love to" Dad said. "Great, I'll tell Michonne is 6:30 good?" Carl asked. "Yes it is son" Dad replied. "Ok, see you at 6:30" Carl said and left.

Dad closed the door and I crossed my arms and gave him a death glare, "Dad really, you're embarrassing me already, it was bad enough when you were my Social Studies teacher" I said. "Oh honey I'm vice principal now, you haven't seen anything yet" he said. I groaned, got my water and walked upstairs to my bedroom. I laid on my bed and started to read a comic book The Walking Dead. I finished my comic book and started to get ready for Carl's. I put on an Andy Black T-Shirt and some jeans with my hat. I walked downstairs and saw Lee reading his favorite book The Outsiders. "Ready to go Clem?" He asked. "Yes" I replied.

We walked to Carl's and knocked on the door. An African American woman answered the door, "Hello you must be the Everetts, I'm Michonne Carl's stepmom, nice to meet you please come in" she said. "Thank you Michonne I'm Lee and this is my daughter Clementine" Dad said and we walked in. "Rick they're here" Michonne called. A man with a beard and a good chunk of hair walked in. "Hell I'm Rick Grimes it's nice to meet you" he said and shook hands with Dad. "Good to meet you too I'm Lee and this is Clementine" he said. "Carl should be home soon, he had football practice" Rick said. "What's his position?" I asked. "He's a quarterback" Mrs. Grimes said. "So Lee why don't you come watch the game till he gets back" Mr. Grimes said. "Sure" Lee said and went with him. "Are you in the same grade as Carl?" Michonne asked. "No, he's a year older than me" I said. "What do you do?" I asked. "I'm a karate sensei" she said. "Sensei?" I asked. "Sorry, karate instructor, I taught Carl and he got his black belt under me" she said. "And Mr. Grimes?" I asked. "He's the Chief of Police" she said. "What about your father?" She asked. "He's going to be the new vice principal at the high school" I said. "Oh that's cool, Carl's mom is the principal there" she said. "Does Carl stay at her place often?" I asked. "Every other weekend he goes he plays with his half-sister, goes to the movies with his mom, and goes hunting with his stepdad" she said. "Um if it's not too bad for me to ask what happened to Carl's-" I was cut off by Carl entering all sweaty. "Hey guys" he said. "Hello Carl, how was practice" Michonne said. "Good, I'm just going to change and I'll be right down" he said.

When Carl came down we all started to eat. "So Carl, you any good at football?" Lee asked. "Well I lead my team to win the state championship last year" he said. "That settles my question then" Lee said. "Do you do any sports Clementine?" Mr. Grimes asked. "I do cheerleading and basketball" I said. "You gonna be cheering for Carl's team?" Mr. Grimes asked. "If I make the cheer squad" I said. "I'm sure you'll do great" Mrs. Grimes said. We finished dinner and I went upstairs to Carl's room to hang out with him. He had a lot of books, a PS4, and a bunch of sports posters. "Javier Garcia?" I asked looking at a poster on the wall. "Yea, he's my favorite ball player, you heard of him?" He asked. "Heard of him, I knew him." I said. Carl looked at me in shock, "Before I moved here I dated Gabe Garcia Javi's nephew who lives with him since his father died" I said. "You knew him" he said. "Yes I did" I said. We talked about baseball and school, about how Carl had a fan base of girls who wanted to date him but he wasn't interested. I couldn't help but stare at his eye and he caught me. "Let me guess you want to know what happened to my eye" he guessed. "Yea, sorry" I said. "There's no problem everybody does, I was on my way to a movie with my mom before the divorce and we stoped at a gas station, we walked in so she could get a case of beer for a party we were having and so I could carry it. When she was at the cash register I went to the bathroom and the store got held up. My dad and soon to be stepdad Shane showed up and tried to arrest the man. I came out of the bathroom to see a gun to my mother's head and I walked up but the bathroom door closed and the man turned around and shot my eye out. I saw my stepdad kill the man and my parents came running to me then I blacked out" he said. "Holy shit, I'm so sorry" I said. "No need to be sorry it is what it is he said. "How old were you?" I asked. "14" he said. "I remember hearing about you on the news you're the Carl Grimes who overcame the odds and survived, we talked about you in my seventh grade social studies class on current events day" I said. "Hey I lived the first one, I was going to live the second one" he said. "What?" I questioned. "When I was five and leading to hunt with my dad and Shane I saw a deer but someone else shot it and the bullet went through and hit me in the stomach" he said and showed me the wound. "Jesus stop getting yourself shot" I told him. He laughed and said,"I'll try ma'am" he said. "You got a car?" I asked. "I have a Harley" he said. "Scares his father and me to death every time he gets on it" Mrs. Grimes said appearing in the doorway. "I'm sorry to interrupt but Clem your father said it was time to go" she said. "Ok, thank you all for having me, see ya Carl" I said and he said,"Goodbye". We left and I went to shower and go to bed I had cheerleading tryouts tomorrow at 9:00 am. I laid in my bed and fell asleep instantly.

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