Chapter 4

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Carl's pov

I woke up at seven, did my morning workout and played some five finger fillet (The Knife Game) until I heard my Dad yell, "CARL, IF YOU'RE PLAYING THAT FUCKING GAME WHEN I GET IN THERE I'LL CUT YOUR GODDAMN FINGERS OF MYSELF!". I quickly hid my knife and pretended to be playing the drums with pencils. He walked in, "What are you doing?" he asked. "Playing the drums, why?" I asked with a smug grin. He searched the room and couldn't find the knife, "Okay, sorry for yelling" he said. "It's okay, but you have a very mad pregnant woman behind you" I pointed out. He turned and saw Michonne waiting for him, looking very pissed. He walked forward to take his punishment. I heard her yelling at him for like 20 minutes until she went back to bed. I saw my Dad come back in the room ,"Don't get on your stepmother's bad side" he said. "What's your punishment?" I asked him. "For the rest of the week I'm on the pullout in the living room" he said. "Speaking of Michonne, when are you going to have the baby's room done?" I asked. He hit his head on the desk, "Fuck, I've still got to make a room for three babies" he said. I shot up ,"THREE BABIES!?" I asked pretty loud. Dad covered my mouth and we heard Michonne get up. "Yes three babies, I'll explain later but you need to get out of here, take a shower in the garage and I'll meet you there. You've still got a chance, go!" I ran and hopped out the window and climbed the rain gutter.

I was shocked at the triplets but I had to shower for Clementine's (we kept a shower a shower in the garage for this exact reason). I finished my shower and saw my Dad sitting on my bike. "Do you have any clothes for me Dad?" I asked. "Yes and an eye patch, so I'm on the pullout for two weeks" he said. "Sorry, but triplets?" I asked. "Yes" he said. "But Dad you're old" I said. "You know I already don't like this bike so pissing me off while I'm sitting on it isn't the smartest thing" he said. "I didn't mean it like that, but Dad how will you keep up with them?" I asked. "I don't know, but I'll try now get dressed and don't get me in anymore trouble" he said. I got the clean clothes on, changed my eye patch and put my hat on and went to the store.

I got there and looked for a card for Clementine's uncle, she told me what happened this morning and I felt really bad for the guy. I got a card and lotto tickets (I know it doesn't seem like a good time for the lottery but fuck you, I don't know what else to get). I stopped at the Everetts and I didn't realize I was and hour early. I knocked on the door and Mr. Everett answered, "Hey Carl you're  early, please come in" he said. "Thank you sir, and um I got these for your brother" I said and handed him the items. "Thank you, I'm sure Kenny will like these" he said. I sat on the counter, "This is a nice place" I told him. "Thank you, how's football going?" He asked. "Just fine I'm hoping I'll be able to play this year" I said. "Why can't you play?" He asked. "Two years ago I was running with the ball and I made a big leap over this guy trying to tackle me, only to get knocked out of the air by another player and land on my head" I said. "I'm sorry, but why do they let you practice if they don't know if you can play?" "The guys can only do two hand touch with me on the field" I said. Just then I heard Clementine come down the stairs in nothing but a towel, "Dad, did you buy me shamp- oh my God!" She screamed. "Oh shit" I said and fell backwards off the counter as Clementine ran away. "It's under your sink Clem!" He yelled and helped me up. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yea" I groaned. I broke a chair on my way down, "You weren't fond of this chair we're you, please say no" I asked holding up on of the legs. "It's okay son, I'm just glad you're not hurt" he said. He helped me up and I helped him clean up the mess. After we finished Clementine came down all awkward. It was very awkward in there until the doorbell ran. Mr. Everett answered it, "Hey Kenny" he said and hugged a man. "They're gone Lee, they're just" "I know, it's okay, do you need help with your bags?" He asked. "We can do that later, right now I want to see Clem and her new boyfriend. I smirked at Clem and she gave me a look that said if I mentioned what just happened to anyone she'll cut my cock off. I saw the guy walk in and was kind of surprised, I guess they weren't blood brothers. "Hi uncle Kenny" Clem said. "Hey darlin'" he told her and gave her a hug. He had an eye patch just like me, "You must be Carl" he said. "Yes sir, it's nice to meet you. I'm sorry for your loss, I got you this" I said. "Thank you, so are you treating my niece good?" He asked. "Uncle Kenny" Clem groaned. "What, gotta make sure he's good enough for you" "We aren't dating sir" I told him. He looked at Lee, "I thought you said they had a date or something" he said. Clem shot her eyes to Mr. Everett, "DAD!" She said. "Thanks Ken" he said. "Anytime".

"So, what do your parents do?" Kenny asked. "My Dad and stepdad are chiefs of police here and in Hilltop, my mom is the principal at my school, and my stepmom teaches karate" I said. "Oh your parents aren't together?" "No" I said. "Sorry to hear that" he said. "It's okay sir" I said. "What do you want to do with your life?" Kenny asked. "I want to be a Navy Seal" I told him. "Well that's good you want to defend your country" he said. He questioned me the rest of the day until I had to go home, I really felt bad for the dude he just lost his entire family. "How was Clementine's?" Dad asked. "Okay, I met her uncle, the poor guy just lost his wife and kid" I said. "Goddamn" he said. "That's what I said when I found out" I told him and walked to my room.

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