Makoto Takiya x reader (Part 1)

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This is only part one because I still have some ideas, but it got too long. So I'm making part 2 soon enough. I'm going to make a Tohru x Reader next just so you know.
P.O.V (Y/N):
I'm bored.... I wonder how Tohru is doing.. she said something about living with humans.. I thought her kind of dragon hated humans... well pretty much all dragons. Well not all, I've never really had a bad experience with humans, neither had a good one. I just kinda stayed away from them. That's my family tree, just kinda hid from humans all of our lives and had a chill life. Everyone keeps saying to 'distroy all humans' and that humans are evil and stuff, but that just made me curious, so the last 5,000 years I've done some research. What? I'm a dragon I can live for a long time. But at this point I want to visit my friends... I guess I have to find that portal that Tohru made a while ago. Now where was that thing, I've seen it before but ignored it.

A few hours later...

There it is! Now I have to put perception block, heard humans aren't really fond of dragons. Which I don't really care. Welp, here I go.

woahhhh, this is cool

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woahhhh, this is cool. Now how am I supposed to find Tohru in this mess? I guess I should change to my human form.
You find a small alley to change your form so people wouldn't see you. (Make up what your wearing, anything! I don't know all your expectations)
"Alright." You mumble as you stretch your arms.
I haven't been in this form since forever! Nice if I do say so myself. Now, where do I start... I remember that Tohru said she was going to live with a human. What was the humans name.. it started with a K...k....ko.. kobayashi! That was her name! Doesn't she work in like an office or something..? I've read of offices and jobs, and actually seen maps if this place. It's pretty small but had much history, impressive for humans. Now where was that office? Oh I see it. It's the tall building isn't it? I'll walk there then fly up and stalk her hehehe, then I'll find Tohru! Yay good plan (Y/N)! You did just that, you walked to the office building and find an alley near it. Geez, humans have to walk everywhere! I'm so glad I can just fly. You change back to your dragon form and use perception block. Okay! She had glasses, right? Yeah there she is! Should I go in? I'm going to be here a while and I don't want to just stay flying for hours even though I do sometimes sleep that way. I'll go in. You walk in the building and try to fund miss kobayashi. Ugh, finally. Woah this is so cool!! I've never seen a computer before! I guess all that research paid off. In the corner if your eye you saw a man in a suit, about the same age as miss kobayashi. Hm? ... woah guys in this world are hot. Look at this man haha!! And sense he can't see me... hehehe. Wait? What am I doing? I came her to see my friend! Not to check out guys! Especially a human! A cute...kinda hot...human.. GAH STOP!! Wait...? Is that..? Nooooo. This can't be. Is he... an otaku are somethin'? He's wearing a Gray Butler button! Well if he is, I can finally talk to someone about anime, manga and games!! All the other dragons hate all the humans so I doubt they know what anime is. To bad I can't talk to him.. he'll be weirded out with some random person talking to him. *sigh* I guess I'll just wait. You sit down and end up waking up. You wake up to miss kobayashi staring at you. Wait.. is she looking at me..? Or the view of outside? She can't possibly see me!! Well she's lived with a dragon fir a while so she just gotten that feeling. I hope not. Miss kobayashi quickly left, leaving you with your thoughts. Ummm okay. I guess I should follow her now. You stand up and follow her to her apartment. OooOoo! I'm not even inside and I'm impressed! Humans can have such nice homes.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2018 ⏰

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