005 | for all the wrong reasons

18 1 0

[ prompt ]
idk anymore lol !! just got bored and now i’m copying this from my notebook
here’s some angst

[ characters ]
y/n, pjm

• • •

she pursed her lips as she looked at me, the fire in her eyes continuing to furiously burn. it was no doubt that she was angry, ready to slice someone’s throat while she paced along the bedroom floor.

the girl was always angry. sometimes for unknown reasons, other times for no reason at all. but this time, i was the reason. and it pained me.

“jagiya, plea—”

“don’t ‘jagiya’ me, jimin. none of this was real, and you know it. you should know, because this is all your fault. you pulled me into this hellhole with you.” she glared, her cold stare freezing me in place as i struggled to speak.

“hear me out, will you?” i pleaded.

“no. i’m never doing that again,” y/n said firmly and my heart sunk at her words. “you were afraid to be alone, weren’t you? that’s why you pulled me into this. you’re scared to be rejected. . . so you went to me, because i’m vulnerable and willing to do anything for you. you used me, to get over your loneliness.” she choked back her tears. y/n looked at me, then to the floor. the tears fell uncontrollably.

“you won’t believe me if i tell you you’re wrong, on so many levels, y/n.” i started. she gave in and listened,  her eyes numb and expression unreadable. “i admit. . . i was alone, scared to be lonely. so i went to you with the wrong intentions. but i fell in love with you, y/n. even though i thought i wouldn’t. it just hit me one day and i immediately regretted everything. mostly regretting being such an idiot and using you.” i cried. she only looked at me, almost disgusted.

“and you. . . you n–never thought about how i would feel? how i’d react if i found out you didn’t actually love me when you first committed to our relationship?” y/n almost screamed, her eyes softening at her own words. “and here i was, thinking you were different! you played with me, jimin!”

“i didn’t!” i stammered, refusing to meet her gaze. “maybe i did at the start, but why won’t you believe me when i tell you now that i love you? and that it’s real! i realized 2 months into our relationship that i wasn’t faking my love for you, and that i can’t bare to lie to you anymore, because i’m. . . i’m actually in love with you an–and i don’t wanna see you like this,” i sobbed harder as she tensed at my words.

“that’s not my fault, isn’t it? it’s your fault you’re seeing me like this,” y/n wiped the tears from her cheeks and walked closer to me, her head titling up slightly at our height difference.

she still looked so beautiful in such a horrible state.

i couldn’t help but want to kill myself at the thought of hurting her. i truly loved y/n, and it hurt more than a bullet to see her like this.

“i love you so much, jimin. too much maybe, that i was blinded and fell right for your trap.”

her angelic eyes held the love she was talking about, along with the sorrow and regret. i’m sure my eyes mirrored the same emotions.

“tell me, y/n,” i spoke softly, my voice only audible to her. my breath fanned her cheeks as she closed her eyes, preparing herself for what was about to come.

“did i. . . ever make you happy?”

“you, you really did make me happy.” she continued to cry.

“but you did it for all the wrong reasons.”

and she walked away for the last time.

• • •

a/n: suffer :)

~ yang

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