35. King of My Heart

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I felt humiliated, punished and betrayed. Humiliated because a lot of men are watching me being raped by this guy, punished because I haven't been smart enough to stop these things and lastly betrayed because I can feel that my genitalia is slippery because of what he's been doing to me when he groped my body.

He once slipped his tongue into my mouth when I was laughing but removed it after I was back from being shocked. He knows that I will bite. He started to slide his tongue down on my neck and I tried to move to avoid it.

"Don't you have shame? You're letting your men watch what you're doing?" I mockingly asked him. He ignored what I said and continued licking my neck like a sweet lollipop.

"Alejandro, what are you doing?" A strong but not so loud voice was heard which stopped everyone and looked who it was.

Alejandro skillfully got out of the barrel and faced the incoming middle-aged man. He's older than my father but looks the same with Chief's age. The captain has six more men at his back and five of them helped the injured colleagues with their first aid kit.

"Problem's solved, captain. Thanks for the tip. She's now right here, in a barrel of water with me." He waved his hand in my direction and the guy who was named as captain stepped forward to see me.

"So, you're that persistent little girl? Hahahaha! Justin! Come over here!" He chuckled out loud as he calls a handsome guy with a good body who didn't try to help the others.

'Justin? Is he the guy I-'

"Brazen! What a jackpot! I finally had the chance!" He runs happily towards me like a good friend.

'Wait! A good friend? He betrayed me and even tried to kill me!'

"Wait for your turn, kid. I'll talk to her first." The captain blocked Justin's way. He was the tallest and most powerful guy, like Chief that no one can question or disobey his orders. Well, of course, I'm an exception. Sorry, Chief.'


"No buts!" He turned his back against Justin and faced me. He stepped closer and they gave him something to sit on while talking to me. "Brazen, I finally saw you in person. I've heard about you since the year 2016. King never stopped talking about you. I saw your pictures and I can see a little teenager in love with a matured but young man and a heartbreaker. Tsk, tsk, tsk." He shook his head in disbelief.

"You knew Chief and Scion?" I curiously looked at him.

He grins and took a cup of coffee that seemed like their men stole from the huts. "Of course. I used to be a member of the Underground mission. I decided to stray away in 2017 after King and I had a misunderstanding. I told him to charge our mission with a higher price so our people will get enough compensation but he turned it down saying that we should also do our part as a citizen of the country and not just a job for compensation. Terrible shit!" He gulped on his coffee and looked at his men with a bitter expression. Is it a feeling of disappointment or the bitter taste of the coffee?

"Joining the Underground means you are willing to help the country without asking a price." I calmly answered him and he looked at me in sadness.

"It's not what I wanted anyway. I grew up dreaming to be an assassin but because of King, I was pulled to become a patriotic fool."

"What's your relationship with King?"

He took a deep breath and looked away. "He's my stepbrother from our father's first wife. He's older than me and likes to boss around. He leads me here and there until he's already controlling my life. I know he's only doing what he knows is right. He sacrificed himself trying to protect me but I wasn't born to be like him. I want to do other things like building an assassin team. We are still considered as good people because we helped people get rid of their problems but we don't have a rule of turning down an offer." From sadness, he finally smiled when talking about his current life.

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