Chapter 1 "Losing the most important thing, Gaining a purpose"

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Click, Click, Click, Click, Click.

Dang, she came home early. She is my sister, Willow, the most talented person in the town. How talented? She passed the entrance test to get into the high level Exosuit academies on her first try. Actually she is only home because she comes back to America during the summer. Her scores are so high they transferred her to the England Exosuit Academy, because their school is better than the one here in America. 

"I'm home!" Her voice blasts through the house like a megaphone. Geez, can she be any louder? Most people would think it's an honor to be the little brother of someone like her. Really it's a curse, try stepping out of that shadow.

"AHHH!" My mom's scream was so loud I actually thought she hurt herself. My mom never screams like that when I come home from a trip. "Aw, look at my little champ all dressed up and fancy!" Little champ? Ok, mom what ever you say. My head barely pokes around the wall enough for me to see my sister standing there with her uniform on. It's not all that fancy really, but my mom just loves my sister.

"Hey Nick, where are you hiding?" I jerk my head back before she can see it. No way am I letting her see me, all she does is pout like I am a failure. Not today! The click of her shoes grow louder as she nears the corner, I take my last breath for the next minute or two and wait. One, two, three, four, five. I see the tip of her shoe as she rounds the corner and I shoot off, towards her. My plan is working so far because she loses her balance and nearly falls down backwards. Her hand swipes to the side and grazes my hoodie, just short. I fly by her and dash out the door. might have caught me if you shut the door for once in your life! "Hey, come back here!' I hear her shoes hit the grass of our lawn right behind me. You may be faster, but I'm smarter! I swing right foot to the left, and just as I thought she alters her course to intercept me. Gotcha!  I shift my weight to the front of my right shoe and pivot to the left. "Hey, no fair my shoes wont let me do that!" My mouth opens as I round the corner and I greedily suck in the air i've desired for the past minute. Why wouldn't I breath for that long while running? To warm up. My feet take me even further down the lawn over the the end of the house, rounding the corner I slip behind the hose box. I feel the breeze as she bursts past me, and suck in another breath for the long run. Now she is running away from me, and doesn't even know. I sweep across the rest of the lawn barely touching the ground and make a sharp turn onto the sidewalk Hows that for the inferior child?


Talk about gullible, I made it all the way to the other side of the town,and still don't see her. Relaxing myself a little bit I start to walk into the little cafe. "Hey," the meek voice from behind me was quite welcome considering who it came from "your late."

"I'm sorry, I had to walk." No matter how hard I try I always mess up.

"Well, if you give me a good reason I guess I could forgive you." Turning around, I'm reminded of how pretty the girl that voice came out of is. Her strawberry blonde hair falls down to her shoulders, just to distract you from her sea green eyes for even I moment. "Excuse me, earth to nick! Why are you zoning out, you owe me an explanation."

"Sorry Carolyn, I had to escape my sister so I couldn't have anyone drive me." The chair squeaks a little bit as I sit down, and I can see her cringe at the noise.

"Why do you hate your sister so much?" She just had to bring that up, whatever if I can escape a chase, I can escape this.

"I'de rather not talk about that right now, we should just have lunch." Just over an hour goes by and I'm actually smile for all of it. Sadly, time goes on and it's time to leave. As I stand up my chair squeaks again and she cringes. "Well, I should start on my way back. See you at the party friday."

"Of course," She stands up and starts to walk over to the door with me "but is it formal wear, or just normal?" The door shut behind us as we leave, exposing us into the ocean of people on the side walk.

"It's formal wear." Wait, wasn't she right next to me? My shoes grind against the concrete while I spin, just barely seeing her head pop into the street. Pushing through the sea as fast as I can I reach out my arm just short of her. I give a huge shove to everyone in my way as I storm through into the street and fling Carolyn behind me on the side walk. I spin around and start my way back on as I see her cringe and hear the chairs sqeak a thousand times worse. Caught like a deer in the headlights my body just wont move. Just move! My legs finally listen to me and push me out of the way back into the sea of people.

"Nick," I'm too stunned to even talk "Nick," my mouth starts to mouth as my eyes flutter open "Nick! Thank god, your alive!" My head starts to work and the world seems to come into being around me, right at the center Carolyn looking over me. I push my way up and see the mob of people around us staring.

"I-I-I don't even know what s-say." I couldn't say it even if I knew what to say. The world seems to blur around us as we make our way back to our houses.

"Hey Nick, thank you, for risking yourself for me." She wraps her arms around me and just stands there. What do I do? Do I just stand here? "Follow me." I feel my hand being tugged on as she pulls me off to an alley away from the sea of people. She looks me dead in the eyes and hands me a little golden box with red ribbon on it "I know its a bit early, but happy birthday! I feel like this is the better moment to give you this"

I open my mouth to say thank you when someone I've never seen before walks up to us, with a thin silver blade in his hand. "Listen kids, I hate to break up your little romantic moment, but" He shoots his free hand towards Carolyn and pulls her away from me. Bringing the blade up to her neck he turns towards me "I will have to ask you for all your money. Unless you want your cute girlfriend to get a little less cute." My hand shoots towards my pocket to grab my wallet when someone kicks the man from behind. Thepolice officer doesn't look happy with this man, and a smile creeps onto my lips. It will be alright, the police are here now. 

I see a slight sun glinting off metal, red drips down onto the blade and down to the ground. Carolyn is standing there, with me hole in her neck. "No!" My voice rings out throught the entire alley as I charge foward with only one thing in my mind. This man killed my only friend! The world fills with red and everything blurs out.


One week after that day in the alley I stand over Carolyn as she la on the hostpital bed, she becons me to lean closer. Her normal meek voice is as quiet as the wind, she whispers to me "Show them what YOU can do, you are amazing don't let anyone tell you your not. Remeber that, and live on. Be my legacy and live, goodbye... I will always love you." Her eyes flutter shut and the monotone beep of machinery fills the room. My mouth opens and closes as tears run down my face, the doctors come in and pull me out to my famaly. Not even my sister talks, she just waits. They all just wait. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2014 ⏰

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