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She hated being in that damn chair. The chair was what kept her still while they inserted more serum into her head. Delia hated the chair because she hated the pain that came with it. Over time though she had found ways to deal with the pain and was grateful for what the serum enabled her to do.

Delia Montaron was a weapon, she knew it, the rest of her class knew it, but the people that formed her into what she now is have yet to realize their creation. From a young age all she had known was how to fight, fight to win and fight to survive, there was no in between. It wasn't until she was an adult they started tampering with her head, when they started making her into what she is.

Now at twenty seven Delia has made a name for herself. She has become the top of her class when no one else thought she could, especially the boys who still saw the weak and skinny girl she was in the beginning. She was the story of the student becoming the master, at least that's what it should've been.

The lead instructor refused to let her move up in the program, or whatever organization she had been born into. Delia wanted a chance to prove herself, to prove that she wasn't weak, to prove she was the best. Each instructor she went to always turned her down, they told her she wasn't ready, told her that she still cling to a shred of humanity.

Delia didn't think she was born with a heart, that is until she was seventeen and Angela. The once fiery and ruthless warrior had been her friend turned more. They didn't know when things had change but somewhere between the long nights and training hours, alone together they had fallen in love.

Angela convinced her to stay even though Delia knew they would get caught and she didn't want to face the consequences. She couldn't control her heart very long though, she loved how it raced at just the sight of the blonde hair, sun-kissed and amber eyed beauty. She craved the high from even the smallest touch. She melted at just the movements Angela made whether in a verbal or physical match.

But like Delia expected they had been caught. One night they had snuck out for an extra training session but things had gotten heated and neither girl heard one of their classmates enter the ring. Whoever it was, she eventually found them and ended their life, but not before they told the head instructor.

Upon hearing the news a meeting was called, their would be a fight to the death and no one knew who would be thrust in the ring. Delia and Angela were chosen from the crowed, both girls wanting so desperately to live but not without the other, or at least that's what she once believed.

The minute Angela was handed her weapon she attacked. The blade had cut a mark on Delia's cheek, oozing blood and definitely leaving a scar. Grabbing her own weapon all the love and kindness she had once showed the blonde woman vanished.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2018 ⏰

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