White Roses Klance X McClain Reader 2

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I sat on the edge of my bed coughing, there was something stuck in my throat but it just wouldn't come out. I slammed my fist on my chest repeatedly until the gunk cleared up. Glancing down I saw something I hoped to not see. It was a petal, a white rose petal to be exact that was covered in my blood and spit. At that exact moment I knew my time was running out, seemingly faster than ever before. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes, I was going to die, and no-one was going to know how and why. So I took it upon myself to write the letters to each of the paladins, and the Altean's. 

The letters I wrote were similar to suicide letters. And the first letter to all of them began like this,          Dear Team Voltron and Altean's

By the time you see these letters I am most likely gone. Perhaps you have figured out how I died... or perhaps you have not. Anyway I am almost certain you have found the flower petals scattered around my room, these are white rose petals. They can symbolize purity, and innocence, or true honest love. 

Please know that I haven't commited suicide, I'm too strong for that, and I refuse to be petty by dying that way. I have realized that there is something seriousy wrong with me, and I think I know why, back on earth we had a rare disease called the Hanahaki disease, the disease stems from a persons unrecruited love... If you hadn't figured it out I am deeply in love with.. Keith... I'm so sorry Lance I honestly didn't mean to fall in love with him! I know he would be better off with you so I didn't even bother trying to woo him, please don't blame yourself, any of you! Lance, I'm so sorry it had to end this way for me, I know you'll be the one who takes this hardest... please forgive me. Keith I love you, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you when I had the time. 

~Lots of Love, Y/N

I stopped writing the first letter, now I nly had a few more to go, just as i was about to start on the others I felt my airways begin to clog. Pounding on my chest, I successfully dislodged a multitude of petals...

Ever so gently the crimson stained petals drifted to the ground, reaching out my hand I caught them, the light things stained my hands with the sticky liquid, but I couldn't seem to care, somewhere in the back of my mind I could tell I was running out of breath, I was slowly suffocating. Was this how I died? All alone in my room, my goal not yet completed? I sank to the ground and pulled my knees to my chest, I focused on my labored breathing before I stopped breathing all-together. Just before I closed my eyes I saw the worried face of my love staring down at me, a single tear falling from his purple eyes, 

"Good-bye Keith... I love you..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2018 ⏰

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